Wait a minute...

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The weekend came soon, and I packed up some of my clothes and my box. I waved goodbye to any classmates that would've been in the common room, and headed off the campus 


My mom greeted me at the door with an excited hug.

"So, when are we going?" I asked her.

"As soon as you put your stuff away. Then we'll grab our suits and head out, ok?"

"Great, I'll do it now!" I ran to my room and put any clothes and extra objects in my room and ran out with my box.

"Wow you're excited," my mom giggled.

"Well I've been stuck with a bunch of wannabe heros so I've been annoyed and bored!"

"Fair enough, c'mon let's go." Mom grabbed a bag that held her costume and we left.


"So, has anyone caught on?" Mom asked a few minutes later.

"Not really, people were confused about the box but that's about it."

"That's good. The news was interesting today, I couldn't help but smile when I heard His- AFO, escaped."

I looked at her confused, "How'd you mix that up? Wait  what were you even about to say?"

"It's nothing, I had two things on my mind at once."

I nodded and we continued walking. We made it to the new building the League of Villains now stayed at and opened the door.

"We made it-." My mom gasped and dropped her bag. I looked at where she was starring, confused. There was a man there, he was wearing a dark blue suit, he had white curly hair and bright green eyes, similar to my own. His skin was pale, and his expression showed surprise and excitement. His voice was soft as he said "Inku?"

Mom rushed up and wrapped her arms around him, tears streaming down her face. The man did the same with a smile. "I've missed you, darling," he said.

"What is going on?" I asked to no one in particular.

"I think most of us have the same question," Dabi said. 

Mom giggled. "Izuku, I thought you'd recognize him!"

"I recognize him, but I'm not quite sure where-," I said.

"Midoriya, I thought you'd be able to spot your own father," Shigiraki said.

Dabi did a spit-take with the coffee he was drinking. "I'M SORRY!?"

"My... father?" I muttered.

Mom and the man started laughing. The he went up to me and said, "That's right. I'm your father, known to the public as All For One."

"What!? Weren't you on life support!?"

"...yes, but there was a deal made and a man named Overhaul was able to fix me again, I am exactly like I used to be now. All Might's progress has been turned back to square one."

"Hey, Puppeteer, you told everyone that his quirk was fire breath, where'd that come from?" Spinner asked.

Dad tried to hold back laughter, inevitably failing. "No way you told everyone my quirk was fire breath!"

Mom started chuckling too. "Maybe I did..."

"Why that out of everything? What's even so funny?" Dabi asked.

"It's a bit of an inside joke, I'm not sure how to explain it."

Dad went up to me and asked "How'd you get so tall, you're almost my height!"

"...So this is a father," I muttered. Him and mom started laughing.

You'll Never Be A Hero [Villain Deku AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt