That was a close call

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Soon enough, the training camp started, and we met up with our directors. Once I got to the tent, I texted Shigiraki.

With that, I sent my location and left to go grab a much deserved dinner

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With that, I sent my location and left to go grab a much deserved dinner.

"Hi Deku! Finally finished putting summer your stuff away?" Uraraka exclaimed.

"Yep! I didn't take too long did I? I did finish a few minutes ago but I had to answer a text from my mom," I said, trying to cover for myself.

"You really are that sweet innocent mama's boy, huh Deku? You'll never make it in the hero world with that attitude now will you?" Bakugo teased, a devil-like grin sliding onto his face. What laughable delusion, I thought he would be the first one to get suspicious but I guess not.

"Bakugo, could you please stop?" Iida asked. Count on the class rep to shut any teasing up quickly. "His mom was probably just making sure he got here safe, could you blame her after the USJ attack?"

"Whatever nerd..."

"Anyways, come grab some curry, it's really good!" Uraraka said, changing the subject back to food. I suppose I was quite hungry from the walking.


We were training our quirks for a couple days, which absolutely hurt. I was definitely pushed way beyond my limit for One For All, my other  almost slipped a couple times because of it.

Oh, I only slightly explained that quirk, huh? Well, I can use Hypnotic Gas whenever, but it's much easier to use when I'm under pressure. I can breathe it out on command and it can come out of gashes if I'm in grave danger. I can sense when I hypnotize someone and (if I know the unlucky sucker) who I hypnotized, and if I don't need someone, I just say their name followed up with "you've done your part". I was breating so hard during that training that I almost let out my quirk, which would've been extremely awkward to try and explain or act like I never knew I could do it in the first place.

It was reaching the end of the day and we were doing this maze-thing, when I saw out of the corner of my eye blue flames rising in the distance. Dabi was here, which meant the league must've been here too.

"Hey guys, am I the only one who sees that gas?" Todoroki asked.

There was a cloud of slightly pinkish gas rising in the forest, I felt my lungs clench up as it came closer to us. It was definitely poison.

"You guys stay here! I'll go check out the source, see if I can stop it!" I shouted.

"Midoriya, wait-!" Iida shouted. But it was too late, with One For All, I propelled nyself to the middle of it, holding my breath for dear life. I got to the center of it, and was shot straight in the arm.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were a student," Mustard said.

"Yeah, yeah, reasonable approach gas boy, shooting someone is more effective if they get in. A lot more surprising," I said, grabbing my injured arm. "Great reaction time by the way."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Sure, don't try to breathe in for a moment." I plugged my nose and opened up my mouth, letting a wave of gas rise up into to preexisting gas. After, I held my breath and waited. Two people were hypnotized almost instantly! Someone name Yui Kodai, and to my luck, Bakugo. I grinned and gave the directions.

"Kodai, you've done your part, Bakugo... head to Mr. Compress."

I started running back, hearing a shout of "Bakugo! What are you doing?!" from Todoroki. I made back to the others, my arm was heavily bleeding thanks to Mustard's carelessness, but I suppose it was reasonable.

"Midoriya! You're bleeding!" Iida exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know. There's someone st the center of the gas, he's controlling it. I couldn't stay in there long enough to fight. Oh, and he has a gun," I explained.

"I'll get you inside to heal! You shouldn't take another injury like that, you'll tear your tendons!"

"No, I'll be fine, I'm gonna go back out there and help anyone who may need it!"

"Midoriya, you have a bullet in your arm!"

"And I'm going back out there!"

I ran before anyone could persuade me not to, it would be better if I didn't but it was too late.

"Midoriya! Help me!" Todoroki yelled. He was trying to drag Bakugo back from the center.

"Todoroki-kun? What's going on?!" I shouted.

"It's Bakugo, he's heading deeper into the smoke! He won't listen to me, it's almost like he's under somebody's control!"

"What!" I started running towards Bakugo, only to get slammed straight into a cliff. When I got my senses back from what was going on, I looked up to see Muscular, one of the few who didn't know I was a spy. Shigiraki told me this was to help keep my cover but at this point, I wasn't sure.

He had me cornered, I couldn't run, I had to fight him. I slammed my fist at 5 percent in his face, he barely flinched. I slowly got up, my back was in pain from the impact. What felt like hundreds of punches to his body barely did anything, he was kinda bleeding, but it was nothing to my absolutely dead arms.

That was when Iida rushed in and scooped me up.

"What were you thinking!?" He shouted. "You've already been shot, you've got multiple scars, and now, your tendons may be damaged!"

"I couldn't run away! He had me cornered!" I shouted

"Well you could've tried! You have legs too, jump over him!"

"You expect me to-?!"

"You punched him in the face! You can probably jump over him!"

By now we were back at camp, Iida kicked open the door and set me down in a chair.

"What happened?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Well first, he got shot while investigating the source of the gas, and then Muscular fought him. I'm worried he may have permanent damage," Iida exclaimed.

"Muscular is here?!"

"Yeah, and he really wanted to fight me I guess," I said. "Wait! Kaachan and Todoroki!"

"What about them?" Vlad asked.

"Bakugo was heading into the smoke, Todoroki was trying to stop him. He said it seems like he was being controlled."

"What!?" Mr. Aizawa shouted. He rushed out the door and to the entrance. I could hear lots of loud booms, almost like an entire forest was being taken down. I tried to get up to see what was going on but Iida stopped me.

"Your back is hurt, you shouldn't get up."

I was about to argue, but my head got light and my vision blurred. I felt my body start falling to the ground.

You'll Never Be A Hero [Villain Deku AU]Where stories live. Discover now