What the heck happened!?

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I walked into 1-A the next day, to see almost all of my classmates wrapped in casts and bandages. They all starred at me with the look "You're the luckiest man alive right now".

"W-what happened?" I asked. Obviously, I was bluffing when I asked this. I knew what happened, I was there.

"The League of Villains attacked again..." Kirishima groaned.

"Seriously!? I wish I could've been there t-!"

"You don't wish you were there, Midoriya," Todoroki said firmly. I looked at him startled. He continued.

"There's two new villains apparently, The Puppeteer, and a boy calling himself Hypnotics. He's extremely strong, broke two of my ribs, and can apparently hypnotize people. He also knew several of our weaknesses and took advantage of them."

"...that's scary... Maybe, maybe people should keep a close eye on this guy...?" I didn't know what else to say, there was so much I could've but everything would make me sound suspicious or would blow my cover.

"You weren't kidding when you said that Puppeteer lady was dangerous," Jiro said. "She broke both of Bakugo's arms with her quirk alone, no raw strength from what we could tell."

"Quit talking about that!" Bakugo snapped. One of his arms were in a sling and the other was bandaged from his shoulder to his wrist, he was also carrying crutches around to walk.

I looked around to the room, almost everyone had at least one thing wrapped in bandages, I wouldn't have been surprised if some people had scars. I did notice one seat empty was though.

"Hey, where's Iida?" I asked, pretending to be ignorant.

"... One of the villains captured him," Momo said.

"What!? How were they able to get Iida!?"

"Mr. Compress..," Tokoyami said. "He's got many tricks up his sleeve. He snatched him while his engines were over-heated, what a nasty fiend... Taking advantage of his weaknesses. "

"I mean, he was in combat," Tsu rebutted. "Don't act like none of us have ever done that before."

"You're right, we've also taken advantage of our abilities before, in a way that almost felt like cheating," Todoroki agreed. "The Puppeteer did just that, she used no physical combat, only wits and quirk."

"I'm sorry you all had to go through that..." I murmured.

"No need to apologize, it wasn't your fault!" Uruaka said.

But, in all actuality, it was my fault. It was my planning that made this happen, and I was there during the attack, helping the villains get there way. It was so fun to finally let all of that anger out, to finally let my true colors show, and to see the pain on their faces...

I walked to my desk, sat down, and started scribbling in my notebook. I felt no guilt for what I did, the only thing I felt bad about, was that I didn't make them suffer more.

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