Stabby taunting

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I sat on the crates in the alley way our base used awhile. I spun my knife between my fingers as I starred at the person in front of me, chuckling to myself.

"Seriously! Who are you and what are you planning to do to me!?" Iida shouted.

"Oh, did I not tell you?" I said, locking eyes with his. His face didn't show it, but his eyes did. He was scared. "You can call me Hypnotics, I thought you'd recognize me from the news but I guess not..."

"What are you planning to do to me, Hypnotics?"

"Well if you move, I won't hesitate to hurt you, I am feeling a bit... stabby right now!"

"I can't move, you tied me up.."

"Oh yeah, that's right, you also can't use your quirk can you?"

"What?" Iida tried to glance at his engines, but his body and legs were in such an odd position that he couldn't see much. "What did you do to my legs?"

"Nothing much, I just stuffed some bits of scrap covered in glue into your exhausts while you were unconscious."

"Why would you do that!? You could be destroying my body along with my quirk!"

I charged up to him and stabbed my knife into the wall, just barely missing his face.

"Why do you think I care!?" I asked him, laughter dripping into my sentence. "I hate heros, every last one of them! They're only in it for the fame most of the time, and even if they start with good morals, they ultimately end up going for money as soon as they start climbing the ranks!"

"That's not true! My whole family-!" Iida tried to argue.

"Oh that just makes things worse, if your family comes from a line of heros! Then it's about keeping the legacy in tact. Answer me this, without mentioning a family member, or fame and money, why do you want to become a hero..?" I said that last sentence with a hiss, making sure to drive it into his skull. "Hurry up now Iida, if you don't answer soon I'm gonna assume its for one of those reasons!"

"It's- it's because of my role model, I wanted to be just like him growing up. He inspired me to be who I am today and taught me that it doesn't matter how big a deed is, as long as it's good it'll make an impact on someone."

"Oh... and who might this role model be..?"

"A-All Might!" he sputtered. I tore my knife from the wall and jammed it into his shoulder.

"It's ALWAYS All Might! Why am I not surprised!? At this point it seems like that answer is cheap change!"

"Well he's the Symbol of Peace! Why wouldn't an aspiring hero look up to him?" Somehow, he managed not to scream in pain.

"'All Might this', 'All Might that'," I mocked. "Why is it always ALL MIGHT!? God it's like a broken record!"

"Fine- I lied! I was panicking!" Iida barked. "It's my brother, my older brother is my role model!"

"Ooohhh, the one that's currently paralyzed, am I right? Yeah, wonder where that will lead you," I laughed.


"And, now. He's. Paralyzed~!" He wanted to punch me, the look in his eyes was no longer fear, but cold anger. Watching him suffer was oh so fun.


"Someone's angry! Do you wanna punch me? Kick me? Slam me on the floor and beat me till I'm paralyzed?"


"Oh, that's exactly what you wanna do! You get so mad when a villain mutters the name of your brother!"


I danced around in front of him, basically taunting his weakness as I repeatedly said "You wanna hurt me! I know you do! You do, you do, YOU DO!"

"Hypnotics, you're off shift, if you wanna stab someone, there are a couple goons in the alley a few blocks down that we tied up." Dabi said, sitting down on one of the crates.

"Aww, I was having fun..." I whined.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you were, I mean you were dancing around like a child. It doesn't matter, you're gonna raise your own suspensions if you don't leave soon."

I rolled my eyes and left for that alley way, they're tied up, might of well end their pitiful suffering.


The news the next morning was turned on, and Mom smiled at me.

"Two people? How'd that happen?"

"Well, they were already tied up, it wasn't difficult. Besides, after taunting Iida around I felt pretty stabby," I said.

"'Stabby' isn't a term."

"It is now!"

"This must be linked to the few other cases of murder recently," one of the news anchors said. "It's got the same line and symbol sprayed on the wall, I'd hate to say it but we have a new serial killer on our hands."

"I wouldn't be surprised," his partner agreed. "It also seems like they take inspiration from The Puppeteer with their crime scenes, a message written somewhere near the scene with some sort of symbol. For The Puppeteer it was always 'You keep underestimating me' with a symbol resembling a puppet."

"With this kid, they like to use the term 'Why do you run from the truth?' and some sort of hypnotized smiley face. Plus this is usually in graffiti, meanwhile The Puppeteer always wrote her's in blood. Each are creepy, and each make you question something."

Mom shut off the TV then, set the basket of laundry she had down. And started folding while she talked to me.

"So Izuku, while you are on break for protection, meaning that you'll have more chances to get out there and do crime, there is a problem when you get back."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

She handed me a note from the school. It said that they'd be transferring the kids to dorms for safety, and that every student that is able to must come. It also said to start packing as soon as possible, as they assume they'll be quite quick to be built. Teachers will come over a couple days after this note is sent out to check with parents if it's alright.

"Are you serious!?" I said.

"Unfortunately, yes. It's a double edged sword here. On one hand you'll  be able to receive more information about your peers and teachers. On the other hand though, it'll be harder to keep you undercover. There are ways to get the information to us, but it's a lot more risky than meeting up in private," Mom explained.

"Of course I have to go though, or else I'd be unable to get any information entirely..."

"It's not exactly something I can fight, as much as I'd like to."

"It's ok, we can work around this."

You'll Never Be A Hero [Villain Deku AU]Where stories live. Discover now