Battle of Geonosis

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Pantheons POV

Me and Master Yoda met with the Kaminoans.

We found the clones to be satisfactory for the battle although I question The military strategy success.

Basically the clones will swoop in and defeat all the droids, then they do a ground assault and troop transports face to face with the droid army.

All I know is this will be a pyrrhic victory at best, the casualties will be catastrophic.

Pantheon: Master Yoda, why can't we just glass the droid factories so Geonosis will be useless to Confederacy of independent systems.

Pantheon: Then we can just rescue the Jedi survivors and retreat after blowing up the droid factories and landed ships, so why cant we change strategies?

Yoda POV

Pantheon: The strategies make we do not. Quick victory priority is, and begun the Clone Wars has.

Pantheon POV

Pantheon: Alright Master Yoda.

So Master Yoda and I are in a acclimator class Stardestroyer heading to Geonosis.

Pantheon: Were here Master Yoda. Ill jump down and help the surviving Jedi retreat.

So I was falling from the transport, and when I landed I started using the force to levitate three purple lightsabers behind me and ignited them.

Then I pulled out two purple lightsabers in both my hands and ignited those as well.

Then I sent of the three levitating lightsabers in different directions as they cut apart hordes of battle droids.

I then started using a self made lightsaber form mix between Ataru and Vaapad channeling the dark side into my attacks as I jump and flip all over cutting down droids.

Once the Jedi were evacuated I force jumped up onto a transport, I used the force to pull my levitating lightsabers back.

Then I deactivated all five using the force, three lightsabers on my back and one on both my sides.

When we were flying I activated lightsabers and sent all five out.

Two of them were slicing through fuel storages and I used the force to keep them unharmed.

Two going on the hovering above ground crippling different droid vehicles.

One I sent to one of the escaping droid ships and it ripped through it causing a chain reaction as it exploded.

I was not done and I used the force to grab another ship and rip it out of the sky!

I was having a blast mowing down droids! I then force pulled my lightsabers back, and started to look at the casualties.

I saw so many dead clones that I snapped and another two escaping droid ships I grabbed with the force and I smashed them together in high velocity causing a huge explosion and shockwave.

The participants of battle of both sides were in shock at the gigantic shockwave and explosion.

The separatist's suffered massive casualties and they stopped trying to defend the planet and decided to cut their losses and escape, they lost fifty-percent of their forces to a single Jedi.

Count Dooku's POV

I was shocked and stunned as I was fleeing the battle to get to my private ship, and I sent a transmission to Darth Sidious.

Count Dooku: Master I have failed our plans for Geonosis are unusable.

Count Dooku: I report a seventy-five casualty rate we lost five ships four of which from a single Jedi.

Count Dooku: Also fifty-percent of the losses are also because of him. I suggest we adjust our plans.

Darth Sidious: I sense a disturbance in the force, the Jedi who caused this can be useful.

Darth Sidious: I will send him on missions to have a dual purpose to join battles the republic's bloodiest battles and slowly turn him to the dark side or end him.

Darth Sidious: Escape Dooku if he finds you, we will be at risk of exposing our motives.

Count Dooku: That will be done master.

Pantheon POV

After I used force rage to pull the ships to collide I went to find Master Yoda, when I found him he saved Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi.

We left the battlefield and returned to the Jedi temple to recover I was in pain due to using to much power at once.

I stayed and recovered in the Jedi Temple but then was called a few days later to join another battle.

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