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Darth Vader POV

Darth Vader and the Sixteenth Sister ran away and are currently in a secret base in Gamindustri.

Darth Vader: We failed our mission, Lets tell my master the results of our fight.

Sixteenth Sister: Before we do that Anakin Skywalker, we need to replace your mechanical arms. *She carries Vader to a table*

Darth Vader: Why should we? My master will not be pleased. Stop calling me Anakin!

Sixteenth Sister: You know you cant beat me right now you are too inexperienced, ask me to stop saying your name when you can beat me in battle. *She walks to a closet and pulls out some parts*

Darth Vader looks at Sixteenth sister in hatred.

Darth Vader: As you wish Darth Segni. *Rage filled tone*

Sixteenth Sister: Well I guess I will make new arms for you. *She places the replacement parts on the table*

Darth Vader: Why did you even join the Empire? You are a Sith lord.

Sixteenth Sister: Well after the Revan went into the unknown regions to face Valkorion again I went into hiding. *She grabs two long arm parts and places them by Darth Vader's arm stumps*

Darth Vader: And why, didn't you want to follow Revan?

Sixteenth Sister: Because he was redeemed, and I wouldn't follow him after that. *She uses the force to put the rest of the parts around the first long arm parts*

Darth Vader: Why didn't you try to kill me to become Darth Sidious apprentice?

Sixteenth Sister: I am not from your era of Sith, I am a relic from another Sith order three millennia before yours. *She grabs a tool and starts to weld some parts together*

Darth Vader: That does not explain why, Darth Segni.

Sixteenth Sister: My Sith code does allow thousands of Sith to exist at once Anakin. I don't follow the rule of two made by Darth Bane. *She continues to weld as arm shaped limbs take shape*

Darth Vader: I see. Why are you fixing me? Droids can do that.

Sixteenth Sister: Have you ever heard I am compassionate by Sith standards to other Sith? That's why. *She is almost finished with welding the arms together*

Darth Vader: Alright Sixteenth Sister, but we need to contact my master.

Sixteenth Sister: We will, I am almost done with fixing you. *She grabs one finished mechanical arm and attaches it to Vader's left arm stump and it connects to it*

Darth Vader: What should we do about Jedi General Pantheon. I want to kill him!

Sixteenth Sister: We will in time, maybe you can kill him with your own blade. *She grabs the other mechanical arm and attaches it to Vader's right arm stump and connects to it*

Darth Vader: But who I want to kill most is my old master Obi Wan Kenobi. *He stands up and move his new mechanical arms testing each one*

Sixteenth Sister: But you don't even know where he is, Anakin. *She puts away the tools*

Darth Vader: Alright lets contact my master. *He walks to the holoprojector*

Sixteenth Sister: Lets hope his is merciful on us.

Darth Vader puts the holoprojector on the table calls Palpatine and kneels before it and Sixteenth Sister kneels as well.

Emperor Palpatine: What is it Lord Vader, Sixteenth Sister? What news do you have for me.

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