Era of Darkness Begins and More Cuddles With Purple Heart and Feeding Time.

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Emperor Palpatine POV Geonosis Orbit

Emperor Palpatine is sitting in his throne room tapping on his throne in frustration.

Emperor Palpatine: Tarkin the plan failed, and add one billion credits to Jedi General Pantheons bounty.

Grand Moff Tarkin: As you command my Emperor, it will be done.

Emperor Palpatine: Any other news you have for me? Any problems that I should know about?

Grand Moff Tarkin: The planet Atraken has joined the Mandalorian culture, and a new Mandalore has been chosen and they are now hostile to the Empire.

Emperor Palpatine: It seems we wont have any troops to spare to go after Jedi General Pantheon for the time being.

Grand Moff Tarkin: That is correct my Emperor also the reconquest of the rim is going badly due to our troops being stretched thin across the galaxy.

Emperor Palpatine: Send a new order for batch of Victory Class Stardestroyer's to be made immediately!

Grand Moff Tarkin: It will be done my Emperor, What about the Mandalorian's and their Armada?

Emperor Palpatine: We will send a new order for a new batch of clones to Kamino for the production of a new batch of clones.

Grand Moff Tarkin: A new batch of clones? What is the purpose of this decision? We need to solve the refuge crisis or the people will rebel.

Grand Moff Tarkin: We should stop the clone production and enlist the citizens into the military!

Emperor Palpatine: I want to do that Tarkin but... Unfortunately we have two threats we still have to deal with. Instead we will keep using the clones but... *Is in deep thought*

Grand Moff Tarkin: But what my Emperor? Do you have another solution? What could be better than enlisting the refuges for the army and navy?

Emperor Palpatine puts on a disturbing smile as he thought up of a new cruel idea.

Emperor Palpatine: This humanitarian crisis gives me a opportunity to support my Anti alien agenda. And assert human superiority.

Grand Moff Tarkin: What do you mean my Emperor? What plans do you have?

Emperor Palpatine: First to solve the first problem for humans on worlds with infrastructure destroyed.

Emperor Palpatine: I will take money and resources from alien worlds who did not suffer very much during the clone wars and give them to the humans.

Grand Moff Tarkin: My Emperor what would this accomplish?

Emperor Palpatine: This has a duel purpose Tarkin. The first is to gain the humans support, and the second is to divide the population which keeps them at each others throats and away from ours.

Grand Moff Tarkin: That is brilliant my Emperor! What other plans do you have?

Emperor Palpatine: My second plan is to imprison the Kaminoans in their world forced to produce more troops or whatever I require of them.

Emperor Palpatine: Then you will assign a Imperial Governor to take the credit of the cloning facilities. As having the Kaminoans taking the credit is very anti-imperial.

Grand Moff Tarkin: Yes my Emperor it will be done.

Emperor Palpatine: Third I will send all the original clones left to the reconquest of the rim. As they are unfit to be in the Empire.

Grand Moff Tarkin: My Emperor are you sure? That is a big risk for us to take.

Emperor Palpatine: Yes the old clones are contaminated with compassion and other anti-Imperial qualities, and the inhibitor chips are a danger to my rule.

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