Changes and Reasons

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While reading Cursed Child, I noticed many errors, not just in character and plot, but development of the main characters as well. Many of the characters would not have the personality Rowling, Tiffany, and Thorne had given them. Albus also has two friends before Scorpius, but only two, other than that, he'll either have people that hate him, or people that hero-worship him. 


I would make lots of changes in the field of character development and traits of characters. 

Harry Potter: He's completely devoid of any of his old traits in this book. He seems fine with Albus being a Slytherin in the Epilogue, but now he absolutely loathes him for it. I would make Harry more overprotective of Albus (because he's being bullied and everything), and Albus would think that Harry is acting like he's still a timing eleven-year-old, which would mean Harry and Albus still loving each other, but Albus distancing himself from Harry because of the way he acts.

Ginny Weasley: Pretty good, actually. All I'd do is make sure that she's the one who does the cooking; not Harry.

Ronald "Ron" Weasley: I'd make him less of an idiot. Sure, he was never the sharpest knife in the shed, but he can be smart when he wants to. He can crush you at chess. But this play is taking all his strategic nature away. Also, with him raising Rose. I'm sure he would have at least told her not to ostracize anyone based on their unpopularity. He was really unpopular at school, and people really only liked him because he was Harry's best friend. About Albus, though, I think he'd be mad about his Sorting, but then really realize that the Hat probably forced him into Slytherin. Ron would be mad that Albus voluntarily became friends with Scorpius, but then sees who ultimately similar they are and strives to form a good relationship with his nephew. The love potion; all I can say is that that isn't Ron. This is the same potion that nearly killed him, and he'd give it to his own nephew? No way.

Hermione Granger: She was considered (very widely) the brightest witch of her age. But she careers a riddle easy enough for a really smart fourteen year old to solve. I would've preferred to be riddle more like the Potions riddle. Also, I would've expected to read into spells. Instead of using a spell as simple as Alohomora to unlock her door if she forgot her keys, have the spell into her office be Aberto, the anti-alohomora spell. Also, Rose. She spent all of her life as a student (and in the Deathly Hallows) being discriminated because she was Muggle-born. And now she lets her daughter bully her nephew because he has lower popularity and influence and stature in the school than she does? Not a chance. And I'm perfectly sure she would've taught Rose to not believe rumors after everything she and Harry had gone through in the area of rumors.

ProfessorMcGonagallRowling states that she is too old to still be Headmistress of Hogwarts. I would make an OC headmaster (who may or may not be of the purest motives) and an OC headmistress. We don't need the unneeded cameos and fanservice to original series.

Unpopular opinion ahead! Rubeus Hagrid: Good ol' Hagrid. I think he should have had some sort of limit due to being a "half-breed" that couldn't be revoked. Or he should've gone to live with Grawp in the forbidden forest. I feel like Rolf Scamander should have taken the role of COMC teacher and everything. He's Newt Scamander's grandson, but I feel having him going around, searching for creatures is too expected. Have him settle down at Hogwarts, writing a new set of books about creatures, while being COMC Professor.

Neville Longbottom: He should've been more included. When Albus knows he can't directly bring up an issue to Ron or Harry, (reasons explained above) have him go to his godfather; to Neville. Especially when Albus is worried he's a disappointment. This is often the case in first year, when he's most insecure about everything around him.

Albus Severus Potter: I would actually sort of character swap Albus and Scorpius. Make Albus the child that loves his father, is an all around nice guy, but just sort of is annoyed that he keeps on embarrassing him. He still has a crush on Delphi, (third year this time, we'll go into more detail when we actually see the analysis of Delphi's character) but doesn't know till Scorpius points out. After he sort of proves himself, he's just really wary and doesn't trust anyone on first glance. He also makes it into advanced potions classes, applying for prodigy application in the summer of his fourth year.

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