"He said you are making a mess" / lottie

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A/N: chapter two is here, there is no new characters, just Lottie's arival of her perspective, meeting the gang and all that.

I would like to thank you all for reading.

"he said you are making a mess"

Charlotte"Lottie" TomlinsonDoncaster, June 2016

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Charlotte"Lottie" Tomlinson
Doncaster, June 2016

Walking around a house was never such a tortune as it was today. Mother was scared for me, knowing that I'll join my brother today.  She never had good relationship with Louis due to everything that happened in the past, I was always the favourite in the house.
"Lottie are you sure that you want to do this?" Mom asked. I almost losy my mind again because this has been the most asked question since father called to tell me that he needs me to join the gang last month.

"Yes mother, you know they need me." I answered annoyed. It literally pissed me of because Louis couldn't lead the gang even if he tried, he was too soft for that. Father knew that. Me on the other hand, I was cruel and I have been training for that since I was seven years old. It was my purpose in life.  Why would I decline that? I would get money, power and probably strenght.

"You know, there is no turning back after you step into his house." I rolled my eyes. It was driving me insane with her there is no turning back. Like yes, I know and why would I wanted to go back?
"Mother stop, I am old enough." I was so pissed. "Lottie, you are 16!" She pointed out. "So? Look I have to leave, the jet will be waiting for me in an hour and I haven't packed yet." Then I walked into my room.

My family has been in the mafia since 18th centrury. My ancestors made our line very powerful and strong over the years. But my father brought it to another level. Since my great greatgrandfather we had rules we must to follow.

Never kill innocent.
The only way to leave is by death.
You can never any sexual or romantic relationship with any member of your gang.
If you get caught, just never snitch.
Never hurt any member of the gang.
Always listen to the leader.

And when my father led the mafia, he broke rules. The first and the fifth. He killed a member because he slept with mom, the product of that is Louis. But Louis never found out about it. He still thinks Richard is his father. My parents have been divorced since I was 5. Daddy remarried twice, to some bitch which lasted only few weeks and to his latest wife Lisa which I never meet.

Since then nobody listened to the rules and I wanted to make mafia real again.  I knew our gang was in a critical position because of the war Louis started with some russians. Killing the daughter of a leader.
And I wanted to put an end to it. I never understood what happend to Louis, he was always sweet and against our family bussiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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