"Oh hell no" / Niall

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A/N this chaper isn't as long as I would like but I wanted to publish it since I was very excited to post it, next chapers are going to be long around 3-4K words. You will be very confused after this chapter, there will be few flashbacks/flashforwards, they wont be marked to which is which because I wanted you to figure it out.
The chapters will probably be updated every week, at least I hope so due to college I have since im on my Junior year.
Somewhere in the fanfiction a girl named Sicilia is mentioned. She is not as important as others who are already listed but I wanted you to have a clear image to imagine her. Pic is at the end


"Oh hell no!"

"Oh hell no!"

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Niall J. Horan
Chicago, June 2016

"You are a fucking idiot," I screamed at Harry. He fucking left his headscarf in a car we stole and then got rid of. We drove it into the river close to the city. "How stupid can you be Harry, what the hell. If we get caught I am going to chop off your dick"

"Calm down will ya, how will they know it's mine?" He shrugged. "It's not like it has Harry Styles written on it."
"They won't but you know who will if they ever find the car? Louis. And he will kill you!" I was beyond mad at him. Louis will be furious at us just because that fucker was an idiot. "And if he does come after ya, don't ask for my help. Now come on, we need to get ready for Liam's party."  I pulled him by his arm and sat on my BMW motorcycle.

Harry was the youngest of the ten of us. He was just 16, Luke 17, Perrie 18, Zayn and I were 19, Calum 20 and Liam, Ashton and Michael were 21, and Louis was 23. Of course, we had other members but they were not important to me as these guys were. I joined Louis when I was 15 and my life was at the dark spot. A year later highschool sweethearts Zayn and Perrie came, last year Harry joined. Others were here before me. Perrie was the only girl Louis let in to know everything since he knew Zayn would tell her anyway. He had always had soft spot for Zayn, just like he had for his sisters who we never met. We knew about three of them twins and a 13 year old one but I have always had a feeling they were more to his family. Thinking about Louis' family got me thinking about mine.

I was sitting in my small room which I shared with my brother, looking out of the window, seeing the sunrise over our small town, Mullingar. It was late February so it was very cold outside.

"Niall, baby." I heard my mother. She was a mother everyone wants. "When do you finish classes?" I looked into her sad face.

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