Chapter 24

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Time skip to a month~

Addison's POV:
I woke up Friday morning and remembered today was our wedding! A huge smile grew on my face. Me and Bryce had slept in different beds last night, to stick to tradition. I missed him a lot, but I knew that after today we would be spending the rest of our lives together. A few hours passed, and I was now getting my hair and makeup done.

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My Mom walked in, and I stood up to hug her

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My Mom walked in, and I stood up to hug her. "I'm so so proud of you Addison." She said as tears escaped her eyes. "Thank you Mom." I replied trying not to cry as it would ruin my makeup.

Bryce's POV:
I couldn't believe I was getting married today. I had been waiting my whole life for this day, and now that it has finally arrived I couldn't be any happier. "Hey man, can I talk to you." Josh said walking over to me. "Yeah of course let's go for a drink." I replied standing up.

"Do you remember when we were teens, wondering if we would ever find true love?" Josh asked me
"Yeah." I said with a slight chuckle. "Well now that day has finally come, I just wanted to tell you how god damn proud I am of you. And I hope that you love and care for Addison for the rest of your lives, because she's one lucky girl to have a man like you."
"Thank you man, I'm happy to call you my best bud. You've always been here for me when I needed you." I replied to Josh trying not to tear up.

"Hey guess what." Josh asked. Your not the only one who's found love." He said with a great smile. I gave him a confused look, until I realised what he was talking about. "Madi!" I said excitedly. He simply nodded and took a sip of his beer. "Congrats bud." I said before getting up. I had to be at the altar in 30 minutes, so I made my way to my dressing room to check myself over.

Josh was going to be my best man, and Madi was Addison's maid of honour.

20 minutes passed, and I was now stood at the altar. Oliver and Kiera were with Addison's parents. Monty and Sheri walked in with the kids, and Oliver ran straight for me. "Hey buddy." I said picking him up. "Dadda." Oliver's first words. I was in shock, but so amazed and touched. "What did you say?" I asked, but Oliver stayed quiet.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen began to walk down the isle. A few minutes passed, and I eventually saw the most beautiful girl in the world standing at the end of the isle. My mouth dropped open. Monty walked Addison down the isle, and said a few words to me. "Take care of her son, she's lucky to have you." Monty said. "I will, I promise." I replied with a smile plastered on my face.

"You look fucking breath taking!" I whispered to Addison as the vicar began. She chuckled and thanked me.

Me and Addison weren't really listening to what the vicar was saying, we were lost in each other's eyes. "It's now time for the vows." He went on. "Ladies first." I suggested to my beautiful fiancé. Madi handed her a piece of paper, and she began to read out the words.

Addison's POV:
"Bryce Michael Hall. My best friend, my lover, my soulmate, from day 1 I knew you was the one. The man I would spend the rest of my life with. And I'm so happy that's the way it is. I have many thank yous to say, and I'm going to start of with the most important to me. When I found out I was pregnant with Oliver, you were there for me, you supported me and you overall made Oliver yours. You excepted me even though I had a child, and I will be eternally grateful for that. That's why I want you to adopt Oliver! Your his father, and it needs to be official." A huge smile came to Bryce's face.

"I would love nothing more than to adopt our little boy." He replied with tears coming to his eyes.

Josh handed Bryce his vows, and he began to speak.

"Addison, where do I even start. Just a few years ago I was a recluse teenager drinking and partying, but something happened when you walked into my life. All that recluse behaviour seemed to stop. You made me a better man, and I really can't thank you enough for that. You showed me what love was, you taut me how to be a father and most importantly, you showed me how to be a better person, a person who loves and cares for his perfect family. You care deeply about your kids, and everyone around you, and that's what makes you perfect. I seriously can't wait to start a new life with you and our amazing little children. Me, Oliver and Kiera couldn't be happier to call you ours. I love you m.s rae."

I was now completely in tears from what Bryce had said. It was honestly so beautiful.

"I do."
"I do."
Me and Bryce were officially married!
"You may now kiss the bride." The vicar spoke.
"Come here mrs hall." Bryce said with a chuckle. He picked me up and spun me round. Our lips moving together in perfect motion. "I love you mrs Hall." He whispered to me. We had been together for a year, yet butterflies still formed in my stomach. "I love you to mr Hall." I replied back to him kissing him for a second time.

Me and the love of my life walked down the isle and everyone cheered for us.

I couldn't believe it. I was finally married to my soulmate. The man who was here for me since day 1. The man who helped me be a mother, the man who made it all possible.

"Bryce wasn't Bryce without Addison
And Addison wasn't Addison without Bryce.."

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