"Yeah," Tigress simply said. "Po, I'm sorry if I caused you any embarrassment down at the village."

"It's okay. For the most part, only the Furious Five and Shifu saw it and I don't even think they remember much," Po calmly smiled. Tigress smiled back. "I'll leave you to get dress," Po awkwardly chuckled leaving the room.

"UGH!" Tigress groaned as she readied for the day.

Slowly and surely the Jade Palace woke up. It was actually dangerous for the Furious Five to be drinking like yesterday. But when they learned that Po wouldn't be drinking it, they had faith that he could take care of anything, which is why they drunk the sake. "That was some kind of party," Monkey sighed, plopping into his chair. Crane did the same as Tigress came into the kitchen. "Hey, Tigress. You feel better," Monkey asked with a big grin on his face. Tigress growled and glared at him. Crane was actually audible about it.

"Leave her be, Monkey," He said defensively. "Thanks for keeping an eye out for us, Po."

"Anytime," Po spoke as he cooked.

"And how are you Tigress? Everything okay with...everyone?" Crane asked.

"Yeah, why?" Tigress asked, trying to forget about the whole thing.

"Well, considering-" Crane saw Po signaling to him to not talk. "Never mind, it's nothing."

"What happened?" Tigress asked.

"Yeah, what about-"

"Monkey can you help me with this bowl, it's heavy," Po quickly butted in. Monkey stood up and helped Po. Po quickly signaled to him to zip his lip. Monkey nodded as he got the message. "Okay, there we go. Thanks."

"No problem. Anyways, what Crane is trying to say is that nothing special happened at the party. You just had some fun," Monkey smiled. Po glared at Monkey behind Tigress's back. As signs of death were coming from the panda, Tigress sensed something else about the party wasn't being said to her.

"What exactly happened?"

"Alright, we'll tell you," Crane said. Po froze. "I... accidentally confessed my 'love' to an old lady."

"Oh thank the universe," Po breathed, placing his hand on what he thought was the counter.

"Po, your hand's on the stove," Monkey reported.

"What?" Po looked at his hand. "AHHH!" The panda screamed out of the room and dipped his hand in the water outside.

"Wow, interesting. I wish I could remember it," Tigress muttered, not really interested.

"So you don't remember anything from that night?" Monkey asked. Tigress shook her head. "Oh, OOOOOH!" Monkey exclaimed realizing something. Crane seemed to figure it out too as his eyes widened.

"What?" Tigress asked.

"Nothing... I... forgot that I left my staff at Mr. Ping's place," Monkey smiled nervously. He got up from his seat and rushed out the door.

"I better make sure that Po's hand is okay," Crane said, rushing out the door as well. Tigress knew something suspicious was going on. She decided to talk to Viper, who was in her room.


"Tigress!" Viper exclaimed. "How are you doing?"

"I'm better."

"Po took care of you," Viper asked. Tigress nodded, looking at the floor a bit.

"Yeah, he did."

"So he's not acting awkwardly around you?" Viper asked.

"Not any more than in this normal situation," Tigress explained.

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