"How do you know this place?"Jessica asked him, her voice dropping in her awe as she walked up to the window. Staring out through it she felt herself slightly returning to peace. From here she could see the wider outside horizon, and it was beautiful.

"Let's just say George and I know just about every little hidden gem in the castle," said Fred reminiscently from behind, "we were lucky to find something that showed us every secret of this place."

Jessica found herself drifting off staring at the view, but when she heard the shuffle of Fred's shoes amongst the stone floor she was pulled back to her task at hand. "Why did you tell Lee to stay away from me?" she asked, still looking out of the window.

"Oh, so we're actually doing this?" she heard Fred scoff behind her.

"Yes, we are!" she said, turning around to face him. He was sat down on the third bottom step, his legs needing the extra space to hang down. "Fred, you have been absolutely all over the place all week and I need to know why. Why did you tell Lee to stay away from me?"

"Okay, I'll play along," said Fred as he crossed his arms and rested them on jeans, "I'll tell you why I told Lee if you told me why you snuck Pansy into the party."

Jessica threw her hands at her side. He was so frustrating. He was drunk and she wasn't, so this was the conversation she was, unfortunately, going to have. "Fred this isn't a game, and besides, I asked first."

Fred grinned sarcastically and then he flicked his wand behind him. In the faint distance, she could hear the sound of the door lock clicking shut again. "Okay you asked first, but I've just locked the door...which will only open with my wand by the way, so what matters first," Fred said in an annoyingly confident tone, "me answering first or you getting back to bed in time for little Draco to tuck you in at night? It's okay I'm all up for waiting, I'm not the one with quidditch trials in the morning."

"How do you know I'm trying out for the Slytherin team?" she asked, frustrated that he had put her in such a choice.

"I didn't, you've just told me," he said triumphantly, though he appeared sad at the fact.

"I didn't sneak her in alright!" she told him, wanting to get the conversation going if he wasn't willing to, "she said she had someone from Hufflepuff bringing her in so she was coming anyway. We got ready together and that's it."

"Yeah, I know, she lent you that dress, didn't she? I recognized it instantly."

"Was it the same one she was wearing when you kissed her behind Angelina's back?"

Fred's voice raised as his face screwed up in shock, "How the hell did you know that, that was ages ago!"

"I know, but isn't it funny how nothing has changed," Jessica sighed mockingly.

Fred stood up as he could no longer express himself sitting down. "So you're now mad about something I did a year before we met, with two girls you only met five days ago?" he asked.

"No, I'm not mad about that," Jessica quickly set straight. Fred gave her a look to tell her he knew she was lying, and she knew he was right. If she wasn't mad she wouldn't have brought it up. "I mean I was for a bit but now I'm not anymore. I'm mad because you think you can control who I do and don't speak to!"

Fred shrugged dismissively, tugging at the sleeves on his tight black shirt, "So I told Lee to warn off you, who cares!"

Jessica could feel him getting agitated, and she wouldn't know when he would start to explode. "I care Fred!"

"You could've had anyone in that room Jess but you chose my best mate," he said, stepping forward towards her and weakening his tone to give the impression that he couldn't believe she'd done it, "my best mate Jess!"

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now