Snitches and Bludgers and Quaffles Oh My!

Start from the beginning

"While I appreciate your sudden interest in wanting to talk to me again I'm afraid I'm late to meet with people who aren't judgemental arseholes," she said and with the exit in her sights, she walked around the benches to get away from him. However, her plan was foiled as when she approached the gap in the tent she was pulled back by a strong hand.

"Do you honestly think I'm going to let you walk out of here with that attitude?" Fred asked, his voice powerful. He pulled her in close enough for her to feel his chest breathing in and out and she felt her pulse race. His grip was tight, their eyes were locked together, a light breeze being the only thing between them. She hated herself for wanting to melt into him, to completely submit and act like nothing was wrong; but she had to ignore what her body was yearning for. Her brain had to be listened to over her lust. He had to know he couldn't get away with treating her like he had.

"I'm sorry, was I short with you?" she asked sarcastically, "Forgive me, I just got the impression that's how we talk to each other now."

She tried to remove herself but his grip was too strong. A mental note was made to hit the weights as soon as she found some.

Fred stuck his tongue in his cheek as if just catching on to the story, "Oh so that's why you're mad? Jess, that was Monday."

"Yeah..." she answered matter-of-factly, "and now it's Friday."

"George told you I was sorry," he told her as if this made any difference in the world.

"Yeah and he also told me how my invite to the party later must have gotten lost on the way too," she snapped, looking him up and down and trying not to get too stuck on how good he looked in his uniform, "by the way should I expect to be man-handled like this when I'm there also?"

Fred smirked as he leaned in closer, turning on the boyish charm he did so well. "Only if you want me to."

She pulled away, outraged that he would even think that would work, "oh fucking hell get off!"

Fred leaned away in response to her jerk reaction. He had expected her to just play along as soon as he showed her started flirting. She was now immune to that. "Alright Jess, jeez, look I'm sorry, I over-reacted, I didn't think you'd take it this personally."

"How could I not take it personally?"

"I thought you could take a joke."

A joke? He was seriously still sticking to that story?

"Oh right yeah, but I can't because I'm a stubborn kid right?" she asked, perhaps a little more pointed than she originally intended it to come out. Her question blew the wind out of Fred's sails, and his smugness fell from his face.

"What? Why are you-"

"Maybe you should check who is around before you start making out with girls in hallways," she muttered.

They stood there eye-to-eye, green looking into brown, each anticipating the other's next move. As far as Jessica was concerned there was nothing Fred could say that would make her forgive him instantly, and as she had expected, his apology had been half-arsed. If you could even call that an apology. He wasn't denying that he thought she was a kid, and he couldn't, she had him caught. Fred was calculating a response, his eyes shifting between hers, and his grip was unconsciously loosening. He knew he was gridlocked and had to let her go.

"Oi Fred come on, Angelina wants to start!" George shouted, who had come out of the arena and was now standing outside of the tent.

"In a minute!" Fred shouted, his eyes not moving off of Jessica's. He then went quiet, cautious as to not let his brother hear him. "So you were there, in the hallway?... How much did you hear?"

Decree No.29 (O.C) Fred Weasley/ Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now