So close

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Students all around me were in shock when I yelled at them. I'm currently panting, trying to act brave but inside, I'm scared of the attention. I don't like people staring at me. It feels as if they're judging me just by their eyes. I want to yell again but more students come into the hospital wing when they heard all the commotion. My brave face faded quickly and turned into a scared one. Like a toddler who just wants to find her mom at a grocery store. I couldn't yell out a name loud enough.

"Minerva?" I whispered quietly. More students kept talking and I'm just trying to get away. My head starts spinning. I feel like I'm being suffocated by words.

"Severus?" My voice is nothing but air.

"Pomfrey? Anyone?" I start to pull the covers to hide my face. I can't take the pressure of students surrounding me.

"Everyone out!" Pomfrey shouted and pointed towards the door. Only a few students left but everyone else wanted to know what happened to me.

"Detention for anyone who disobeys!" Severus shouted when he walked through the doors. Everyone instantly ran and squeezed through the doors. I could hear muffling sounds from them.

'He's going to murder us!'
'Get your fat butt out of my way!'
'Jeez Debra. Pushy much?'

I was just glad students were leaving. Severus could still hear me breathing heavily with fear in my eyes. I didn't move. Still scared from the audience.

My head was turned towards the door, seeing students leave. I gasped and jumped when a hand touched my shoulder. I turn my head to Severus. He pulled away, letting me have some time to recover from the anxiety.

"I-I I'm sorry. I'm n-not used t-to the attention." I stuttered. I didn't realize I was gripping onto the sheets very hard. My knuckles turned white and saw a dash of blood. Probably from my nail digging into the skin.

"Your alright, let's get you some breakfast." Pomfrey uses her wand and the breakfast platter makes it's way over to me. The same breakfast I had when I was in Severus's chambers. Delicious!

"Thank you." I say quietly. I start eating from the plate and fell in love with food. I couldn't help myself from moaning. I didn't care if Pomfrey and Severus heard it, I'm enjoying my food.

"Goodness! It's like you haven't eaten in days. I'll be back with more." Pomfrey said while walking out the doors. I kept eating and closed my eyes for a moment to savor the food.

"At least I know the sounds you make." Severus whispered. I immediately opened my eyes and started choking.

"I-I..." I became speechless after that. He smirked and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I love it when he does that.

After Pomfrey arrived with another plate of food, she left to her office to finish tidying up any misplaced potions. I finished both plates and started to swing my legs off the bed, ready to start my day.

"Not. So. Quick." Severus used his hand and pushes my forehead to stop me from standing.

"What now?" I asked irritated. I fold my arms against my chest.

"Your still recovering. You can't leave whenever you want." He took his hand away and stepped back.

"Okay fine. When can we start?" I ask annoyed.

"When you fully recover, obviously." He rolled his eyes as if I just asked the most dumbest question to an obvious answer.
"You can't start unless you have enough energy. So rest and wait until Pomfrey says your dismissed."

"That'll take hours! I have enough energy. Please?" I whine.

"Do I look like Pomfrey to you?" Severus sarcastically questioned.

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