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I look around to see only 32-36 men in this huge living room. My question is, where are the others?
I want to ask but a part of me is afraid of the answer.

"You look familiar. Have we met before?" Another tall gentleman offered to shake hands. I look up at him and noticed he has a scar on his cheek. His brown eyes are just staring right into mine, creeping me out but it's enough to lure women right into his trap, especially with that slick back dark brown hair. I gently shook hands with him before responding.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think we have."

"Interesting." He grabs my chin and inspects my face with his eyes. I'm getting creeped out by this weirdo.

"May I ask, where are the others?" I gently push his hand away from me to not make it seem like I just offended him.

"Why do you want to know?" He walks away but likes to keep the conversation going. I scatter through the dashing looking men around me and follow him.

"Well, first off, what is your name?" I don't want to call him by a random name to piss him off. Maybe I'll just keep a conversation going with this guy for now until my father shows up.

"Luke, is the name. Yours?" He looks over his shoulder to see if I'm following him.

"My name is (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." After I said my name, he immediately turns around with no expression at all, which is freaking me out.

"So, you're the daughter of the man himself?" He steps closer but I stay still, not wanting to make a first bad impression.

"If we're talking about the same person, then yes." I fold my arms in an attempt to stay serious. The way he steps closer is very intimidating, close to Severus's but a little less. Before he could say another word, I hear footsteps behind me.

"She looks just like her mother."
I get startled when a hand is placed on my shoulder. I turn around and see a 6 foot tall gentleman dressed in a nice suit with no wrinkles at all and a midnight blue colored tie around his neck standing right in front of me. His short curly black hair matches the color of his eyes, which I've been staring at for too long. I shake my head out of a trance before I make them think I'm easily gullible.
"Apologies sweetheart. My name is Isaac." He spoke before kissing my knuckles while looking into my eyes.

'Woah, why are his eyes so encha- wait! No! Snap out of it!'
I clear my throat a bit before speaking.

"Hello. You probably already heard my name a minute ago." I say slowly. I start sweating when gets closer to my face. I just hope I'm disguising my feelings well at this moment.

"Its nice to meet you." He whispers and smirks before turning around to walk away. My heart is beating rapidly just from his eyes looking into my soul. I feel internally violated.

"Uh, okay. Anyways, you were saying?" I turn back around to look at Luke once more. He looks at me weirdly before continuing to talk.

"Yes...your father talks a lot about you. Good things I should say." He stands right in front of me, probably less than 4 inches away. I had to lean back a bit to look up at his eyes.

"What kind of good things?"

"Your eyes, nose, hair, all the same as your mother's traits." He grabs a strand of hair, inspecting it thoroughly.

'So that's why'

"There must be some bad things as well. I mean, everyone has their flaws." I step back a bit, making it easier for my back to not be sore later on.

"I suppose." He turns around and walks towards a long dark brown slender table against the wall just across from us.
"But you may not like what he says."

Love Can Be DeadlyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ