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I did not need to ride the train like other students, since I apparated with Professor Mcgonagall to Hogwarts. Minerva knows how nervous I can get during train rides, or anywhere when it comes to people being crowded. On my way towards the great hall, I noticed that there are a few students already sat at their tables. I took a seat close to the teachers table at (y/h) since I trusted Minerva more than anyone.

I did not have any friends since I did not want to get attached to anyone who can hurt me, verbally. I sat quietly at my table, waiting for other other students to arrive, staring off into space while memories came flooding back from my home with my parents. I tried to push the memory aside as students started coming in. 1st years were sorted into their houses before Minerva could make her speech.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts. I hope you all had a good summer. Firstly, I want to thank all the students who helped rebuilding Hogwarts these past weeks. I know it is hard to come back, but please, know that we are safe from now on. Secondly, be aware that the Weasly Twins are capable of coming to school grounds and pulling pranks like the bumbling babbling band of baboons that they are. And lastly but most importantly, I expect for Professor Snape to be treated with highest of most respect from each and every one of you. Now, let the feast...begin." With a flick of her wand, food appeared on the tables and students started to dig in.
"I've always wanted to say that." I heard minerva say quietly to professor Snape.

After an hour, students started heading back to their dormitories. I decided to head back too. While walking down the hallway, I was looking at the ground not noticing a tall figure approaching me. At the last second, I tilted my head up before crashing into Professor Snape.
"Oh, I'm sorry Professor, was I in your way?" I asked innocently. Making eye contact with Professor Snape was a common thing for me now since I couldn't stop admiring those onyx eyes.
"You are in my way Ms. (L/n). Now move...before I step on your foot, 'accidentally'." Professor Snape said in a low voice with a hint of annoyance and sarcasm.

"I'm sorry Professor. I'll watch where I'm going next time." I say softly with a small smile on my face.
"Yes. You do that." Snape said before turning on his heels and walking down the hall. Before I could walk down the opposite hall, I heard very clearly what professor Snape muttered under his breath. "Stupid girl." Instantly, I froze and a tear that I hadn't noticed started to roll down my cheek. I felt that sting inside my chest. I watched as another strand of hair turned white.

I went inside the common room of (y/h) and into the girls dormitory. I found my suitcase and belongings on a bed on the far left side of the corner, close to the window with a perfect view of the forbidden forest and a perfect view to watch sunrises. 'Minerva must have dropped off my things in this specific bed. Probably cause she knows I love sunrises.' I thought while unpacking my things and started getting ready for bed. Brushing my teeth, I changed into my (f/c) sleepwear and headed off to bed after. Starting classes tomorrow, I was nervous since I didn't know what to expect after the war. With my eyes heavy, I fell into a dreamless sleep once again.

Morning came around. I woke up, took a shower, brushed my teeth, wore (y/h) robes and headed towards the great hall for breakfast. Few students were already awake and eating toast. I decided to eat an apple and a piece of toast with strawberry jelly on top. Students started filling in the great hall with cheers, laughter, and small talk about how their summer went. A student from gryffindor approached me, sitting down across from me.

"Hello, my name is Liz. Liz Ritta. What's yours?" Asked Liz with pumpkin juice in her left hand. A warm smile was plastered on her face. Liz has dark brown eyes, shoulder length black hair, wearing her gryffindor robes.

"Hi, my name is (y/n). (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you." I said shyly.

"I'm a 7th year at Hogwarts, I'm guessing you are too? Since I saw you with Professor Mcgonagall talking about your last year here at Hogwarts. Funny isn't it? Feels like yesterday we were new, and all of a sudden, we're on our way to graduating. I never believed my parents when they told me to stop and look around my surroundings and savor every moment I can, because when the time comes to grow up...you'll wish you had more time being a kid."

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