chapter 11: season 1 Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

"The summoning circle on the flier is away around the limitation of not knowing where you're going." Reya continued to educate her fellow [Bishop]. "It acts as a beacon that's attuned to the magic of the Sitri clan seal. Since we are Sitri clan servants we can instinctively locate this beacon, often with out realizing it."

"The way Ambrose explained the exploit was that it's like a sonar." Sona said while recalling her fiance's words. "Since the flier is attuned to our magic, he can send a magical pulse that travels outward until it finds the energy that it's attuned to. Once it finds that energy, it bounces back towards the flier letting him know the location of all the devils attuned to its energy signature."

"So with one flier he can identify the location of an entire peerage?" Tsubaki asked with wide eyes.

"It gets worse. Ambrose is also able to deduce how strong the devil is by measuring how strong the signal is when it bounces back, that's how he was able to identify Rias from the rest of her peerage. This method basically turns the devil into the beacon instead of the flier. With this information he can activate the flier and forcefully summon a devil, or even transport himself to the devil in question using his own method of teleportation."

"How long did the entire process take?" Reya asked.

"He pretty much activated the seal, tossed it on the floor and immediately summoned Rias." Sona admitted.

"Can you please introduce me to him, Kaichō?" Reya pleaded for the sixth time.

"No, stop asking." Sona said irritably. "He's busy hunting Fallen Angels and we have to figure this out."

"Based on his explanation it should be safe for us to use personal magical transportation." Tsubaki reasoned, "It's only the fliers that poses the security risk."

"Yes, you're right about that." Sona conceded, allowing them to use magical teleportation again.

"You know, it's too bad that we can't keep part of this vulnerability." Momo said after a thought. "It could be useful if we were attacked or separated. We could use the fliers to find each other or even transport us to and from danger."

"Yes, but we'd have find a way so that only we could use that ability, rather than just anyone." Tsubaki reasoned. "As it is, anyone could simply locate and summon us."

"That's..." Sona said, "That's actually a good idea, Momo.... That could work...."

"Kaichō?" Tsubaki asked, "What do you mean?"

An idea began to form in Sona's mind, an idea that she had never thought possible before. "Because of my experience with 'Osmosis'?"

"Momo's idea was good, but you're also right Tsubaki. We would have to figure out a way to modify the fliers so that only we could use the exploit." Sona said aloud.

"We'd have to create a whole new rune set order to do it." Reya frowned at the idea.

"Isn't that like creating a whole new method of magical transportation?" Momo asked.

Sona and Reya somberly nodded and the entire peerage frowned at the extra work.

"No, wait! It already exists." Sona exclaimed grabbing a book on magical transportation that she had brought from her apartment. "Here", she said, showing a page that showed the Sitri clan symbol. "This is the actual clan symbol that appears on the ground whenever we transport. Compare this to the flier. See the difference?"

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