Bonus Chapter

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(This chapter is a prequel to the whole story, the first time Alex and Penny met)

Bonus Chapter- Penny's POV

I was late, very late. I had overslept my alarm causing me to get the later train from Washington DC to Richmond Virginia. I was still living in my apartment in Washington, I was in the process of moving down this week but I had one final interview with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, I had done my senior internship here and they had hired me after my senior year of college. I was guaranteed the job but for management, I still had to do the interview.

I wouldn't recommend running across the city in heels, I was going to have serious blisters. I could've used my old roommate and best friend's car but she hadn't had come in time so I had to take the train. Savannah and I had been best friends since we were ten, we went to the same high school, college and rented out a shared apartment, but Sav got a job with a publishing company in Quantico, so our time as roommates was sadly over.

I was lucky enough to snatch a studio loft twenty-five minutes away from the Museum. So I was close to Savannah which lessened our separation anxiety because we did have separation anxiety with each other.

As I skid into the museum and head for the elevators, I flatten down my outfit, a navy blue pencil skirt and a simple white blouse, my straight hair looked like I had just run a marathon because in some way I did. I knew I should've just taken my heels off, I'm actually an idiot.

Thankfully I made it just in time and the final interview had gone successful. I would be told I'd get an email by the end of next week about when I'd start and all those adult stuff. I was excited to have a real job at a place I love, working at a museum with beautiful art was technically a dream job of mine, my biggest was to own an art gallery-like, my mother. I wanted to it for her.

I called Savannah as I exited the museum, "Hey girl!" My best friend answers after the second ring.

"Well I made it on time, and it went very well so," I tell her and squeals. I laugh. Sav's enthusiasm could be matched for no one I knew. She can be a smiling and outgoing person at five am if she was given the chance.

"Well your apartment is all set and the movers came and gone," She tells me.

"Oh shit," I say as I walk down the stairs, wincing a bit at my feet, "also next time I have to run across the city, remind me to take off my heels," I sigh.

"Girl, you didn't take off your heels?" She questions in a serious tone.

"Don't scold me over the phone, I understand okay," I mumble and she sighs.

"Well there's no use you coming back to Washington, just chill out there," She says.

"Are you heading back?" I ask and she hums. "You are helping me unpack right?"

She chuckles, "of course I am, we don't need help with that, we've gotten this far just by the two of us,"

"Damn right," I say as I lean on the building of the museum. I slowly take off my heels and let out a pleasurable sigh.

"Ummm?" Savannah questions and I laugh.

"I just took off my heels, but since your coming down, want me to wait to buy food or?"

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