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Chapter Three- Alexander's POV

Most of my time was spent at headquarters and even despite me being the best man, I had done most of my best man's help at work. I couldn't get my mind off that night we found a bomb in Penny's car, she had fallen asleep on the couch as reruns of Friends played on the tv across us.

It had been quiet at the museum so we had no reason to go but tonight I sat in a crowded and loud bar with Ed and the rest of his wedding party, this was my idea of a bachelor party, to be fair I didn't have a lot of time planning it.

"Dude, what the hell has gotten you in a slump?" Stewart asks me.

I shake my head and down my first drink, "nothing man, just work, you know," I shrug him off. I was cradling my first drink for most of our time here just in case I was called in.

"You sure? Because if it is I think you should throw it in with our waitress," He smirks at me. I shake my head.

"No, I'm just not in the mood. Sorry Ed," I chuckle at my best friend.

"Nah, it's fine. I know you're tired but I appreciate you being here anyways," Edmund tells me and I give him a tight-lipped smile.

"yea, man you look like shit, your gonna end up collapsing on the day of the wedding," Julian says, I stifle a chuckle.

"Guys, I appreciate it but I'm fine, I promise" I assure them and they nod slowly. The subject was moved off me as we asked Ed if he was ready to be a married man, he definitely was. There were a good week and a half until the wedding and my best friend was more than ready to have Savannah as his wife.

"so where the hell are you two going for your honeymoon?" I question.

"Bora Bora, that's been her dream place to go," He tells me.

"damn that work bonus worked out huh?" Stewart jokes and I smile. Edmund rolls his eyes.

We didn't leave the bar till after midnight and I wasn't as buzzed as the rest of the group, I did only have one drink on edge at the fact I could get a call for work at any second. Throwing my keys onto my kitchen counter I sigh tiredly. Julian did have a point, I hadn't slept properly in months, and with the weekend coming up I knew Savannah would appreciate it if I didn't look like a zombie during her pictures, and unlike all the other days I would come home and work on the case on my own I headed to bed. I collapsed the second my head hit the pillow.

"Go, Go, Go!" William yells. I watch as swat knocks the double doors open up and we slowly walk into the dark museum. The museum had been held under hostage since late afternoon, and now after dark, we were finally going in.

William motions our group to split up and I take charge and turn to the right, raising my gun slowly as I turned the corner. The hallway was eerily quiet as we walked down, my co-workers gently shake on the door handle of the closed doors, finding them locked.

I stop as I hear yelling down the hall, I turn and nod my head to the door down the hall, my co-workers nod and follow my lead. Lauren grips the unlocked doorknob and I nod at her before she swings it open, I step in slowly, the room was dark as I stepped in, and before my eyes could adjust to the dark lighting a gunshot goes off.

"FBI!" The three of us yell, I round the corner to see a man with a ski mask holding a gun out to me.

"Put the gun down," I demand the male, and before I could blink another gunshot goes off and I turn around to Dave. As the male falls to the ground, I quickly rush over to the hostage behind him.

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