Chapter 7

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Shuichi's POV

I was standing there, in shock.
Everything was so bitter, so gross.
The anger was rushing down my body.
I was so mad, I wasn't here before.
He looked terrified, this was my fault.
I was so pissed , I could break everything. I stared down at Rantaro like he was the lowest scum of the scum. At that point he had taken his hands off Kokichi and I approached him and with all my force I punched him in the face. I wanted revenge, make him pay.That punch was enough to make him lose his footing but not definetly not enough to take him down.

He let out a small grunt as he slowly got up holding his nose. The blood fell on the floor as he carefully stood up.

-Tsk... So the Tokyo kid wants to fight huh?

He rapidly charged me with a strong punch to the stomach. I almost immediatly collapsed on the floor. I'm surely not strong enough.Kokichi gasped panicking across the room. He was reaching in his pocket but he seemed too petrified to get the object out.
Rantaro grasped me by my collar and started striking my face violently.I could feel my nose bleeding and the sharp pain in my stomach.

- Thought a little shit like you would do better emo fag!

That comment made me mad, very mad actually.I lunged at his face with my fists.I could feel his nose cracking and it soon started bleeding.That seemed to get him pissed.The green haired boy got on top of me and started punching my face rapidly and firmly. I grunted at every hit. My face was burning from all the hits.It hurts like fucking hell. At this point,I couldn't move anymore.
I could feel myself passing out soon.
I'm so fucking weak.
Suddently, a simple yell made him drop his bleeding fists.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Kokichi with a scalpel directed exactly on Rantaro's neck.

What is he doing?

- Get off shuichi! I won't fucking hesitate bastard! He shouted

He seemed scared, but he still sounded dead serious. He suddently pushed the scalpel closer, menacing him once again.


Rantaro chuckled and got up carefully,he then smirked and walked out the door. Kokichi ran to rapidly go close the door. He then dropped to his knees, dropping the scalpel on the floor as well. He then quickly ran up to me. The lavender eyed boy grabbed my face with his small pale hands.

- Wait your nose is bleeding... take this.

He handed me a tissue that I obviously grabbed. I wiped the excess blood. Seriously, this hurt like hell but at least kokichi was okay.

- We should get out of here first Kokichi.

- Y-yeah let's go. He stuttered.

I grabbed his hand and we walked out the room. As we left the dark room, we we're heading for the dorm exit. Carefully walking there, making sure Kokichi stays next to me.When we we're finally about to leave Kaede appears out of nowhere barely on her feet. She seemed .... Drunk?
She waddled to us: She was completed fucked up.

- HuuUUuH? ShuicChiii? You're alreaDyyy leaving?! You're not gonna FuckKk me!??!

Maki quickly ran over and grabbed her by the arm pulling her away from us.
My face got flushed and Kokichi had a disgusted expression splattered on his face. She just put me in the most uncomfortable situation i'v ever been in.I simply ignored the weird comment and we left the dorm as quickly as possible. We then practically ran to our dorm.

Time skip presented to you by gayforkokichi

shuichis POV
I managed to unlock the door room with my shaky hands. As soon as I stepped inside , I basically collapsed on the floor from exaustion. I was so tired and my body was super sore, it was late too.
Kokichi grabbed a first aid kid and started treating my injuries. Starting by bandaging my bleeding hands, he also made sure my nose wasn't broken. He wiped the blood away from my face with  a hot wet towel and put bandaids.

Just like I did to him last time.

Something about Kokichi is different. He makes me feel some type of way, not in a friendly way. It's a weird feeling, he is strangely affectionate and on top of that he's absolutely adorable. I can't help but feel like I fell in love with him even if we're both guys.

Without noticing it, I was staring at him intensely which confused him.

- Is everything okay Shuichi? He asked, worried.

- Yeah i'm okay but I think you should rest Kokichi, i'm fine.

- N-no wait i'm not done yet-

I interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

- You're tired Ouma, you have eyebags and your eyes are red. Let's change and let's just go to sleep.

- No! I'm fine!

He then tried getting up but I grabbed his arm which caused him to trip. Anddddd what?
- W-wait ehh!-

He tripped right on me.

Kokichi was now on top of me and our faces were alarmingly close. I could almost feel his breath against mine which startled me.He started blushing which made everything more akward.

- I-i'm sorry.

I managed to akwardly stutter out scratching the back of my head.

But For some unknown reason, he didn't get off me or say anything at all.Instead he was just staring at my face with a sweet expression. He looked peaceful, and he had a slight rosé blush on his cheeks. I was really embarassed. Then out of nowhere he started getting closer to me and in no time I could feel his gentle soft lips press against mine. I was shocked at first but then I got used to it.He pushed his lips on mine as I wrapped my hands on his waist instinctively,pulling him closer as his mouth entangled mine. It felt weird, I had never kissed anyone like this.He wrapped his arms around my neck, sending shivers through my spine as I whimpered in surprise. After, a while we pulled back to gasp for air. Our faces were red, completely flushed.

He got me all worked up.

I totally didn't realise what I had just done. I just kissed Kokichi back.

- You're a great kisser Shuichi

That caught me off guard.
He giggled. The shorter male ran to the closet and got changed into some comfy clothes then he slid in my bed and waited for me impatienly.

- I'm sleepy! Hurry Shuichi!

- O-okay

I quickly changed into some shorts and a t-shirt and layed next to him pulling the covers over us. I couldn't help but stare at his cute face.

- Night Shumai!

He snuggled into my chest as we quickly fell asleep due to the exhaustion. What a day we had.

- Goodnight Ouma... I- lo-


I HAVE NEVER Written a kissing scene before hope this was not bad Lol! Short chapter sorry ACKNSM

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