Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Homecoming


Like everyone at camp, I was anxious for the return of Percy, Annabeth, and Sam. Ever since Jason said they were okay, the entire camp had been buzzing with energy like normal. Unlike everyone else, I wasn't sure if they would be the same. Sure, they would come back, but I knew they had changed. All I could do was wait and hope.

They came, all right: scared the living daylight out of me. But it was worth being able to see them again.

"Where were you?" I asked. "What happened to you?"

"Calm down," Percy said. "We're fine. Nothing's wrong. What do you mean 'what happened to us?"

I tried to calm myself. "I don't know. You've been gone for so long; I thought something had happened to you."

"Nothing's happened, Leo," Sam said. "We're fine." I could tell he was hiding something.

"Okay." I dropped the subject. For now.

That was when what seemed like the rest of the camp found them. To shorten things, many tears were shed, many words were exchanged, and no one knew what exactly had happened to the three demigods. All anyone could get out of them was that they had been captured by monsters and taken to California, where they escaped and made it back to camp. I didn't believe them; they might have been captured, but they weren't telling the whole truth.

After the whole fiasco, I told Jason and Piper about my dream and how I felt.

"Are you sure Leo?" Jason asked. "They looked like themselves to me."

"I'm positive. They're hiding something."

Piper said, "That doesn't mean we can act like it's our business. If something happened to them, they would tell us."

I wasn't so sure.

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