Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Unexpected Surprises


Everyone agreed that Annabeth and I should be split up. I agreed that we didn't always see eye to eye. Still, I loved Annabeth. She was a fighter. She was smart. She was someone I could trust to watch my back. In a lot of ways, Annabeth reminded me of Tory.

"She knows."


Angel sat down next to me. "Annabeth knows you love her, and she doesn't feel the same way about you."

I stared in disbelief. "That's why Annabeth hates me?"

Angel nodded.

The realization of the situation shocked me. Annabeth knew I loved her, and hated me for it.

"I'm gonna talk to her," I decided. "I should've done that a while ago."

Angel nodded. "Tell her how you feel."

"I will. I walked over to the bunker and pulled Annabeth aside.

Annabeth wasn't thrilled to hear that I wanted to talk.

As soon as we were out of earshot of the others, Annabeth sighed. "So? What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Annabeth..." How was I supposed to say this?

"That's it?" she asked. "That's all you wanted to say?"

I tried to hide my anger. "Annabeth, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" she asked.

"Sorry for disagreeing with you so much. Sorry for being too slow to stop the Eraser that captured us. Sorry for being a jerk. Sorry for loving you."

She stared. "What?"

"Yes, Annabeth Chase. I loved you even though you already had a boyfriend. I'm sorry for it."

Annabeth whistled. "I already knew you loved me, but gods, that's a lot. I forgive you."

I blinked. "That's it? It was that easy?"

"Of course." Annabeth held out her hand. "When you put it that way..."

I shook her hand. Just like that, a friendship sparked between us.


Well. That was unexpected.

After my talk with Sam, Percy went to chat with the Virals. Max wanted to show Sam and I how to fly.

"I don't see the point of this," Sam complained.

"Oh, please. Whether you like it or not, you're going to learn."

Sam huffed. "Fine. As long as I'm flying over water."


Over the next few hours, Max taught us how to take off, land, and a bunch of other things. Sam failed half the time, refusing to open his eyes, but he actually tried after I laughed at him.

When Max thought we knew enough, she let us fly around freely. I felt confident. Sam's face was pale, but he liked it.

"This is so cool!" To prove his point, Sam back flipped, diving into the sparkling blue water below. He emerged a minute later, perfectly dry.

Nudge laughed. "Fun, right?"

"Look!" Angel pointed. The sun was just beginning to set, and the view was simply amazing.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Nudge sighed.

Sam answered, "Yeah, Nudge. It is."


I was skeptical about flying. Unlike Jason, I didn't belong in the air, except on a Pegasus.

But this wasn't like flying on a Pegasus, or even on a plane; this was real flying.

I prayed to Zeus, hoping he wouldn't blast me. He didn't, which didn't make me feel much better.

When we landed, I felt different somehow. I no longer was afraid of heights. Annabeth didn't hate me anymore. There was something else too, but I didn't want to put it into words; I needed more time before I would say anything about it.

Percy congratulated me. "Looks like you had fun up there."

"Yeah." I realized my wings were still open. I folded them against my body, feeling self-conscious. "How was it down here?"

"Amazing. I could see you from here." He lowered his voice. "And I just found out I'm the only one who can turn into a wolf." Explaining the Virals' expressions.

Tory, getting over her shock asked, "Why don't you guys stay here tonight?"

Max looked at Fang, who shrugged. "Sure. Not like there's any other possibility."

So, yeah. We decided to crash in and around the bunker.

While the others went off to prepare for the night, Tory pulled me aside.

"Are you sure you want to stay out here?"

I asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean you don't have to stay with them. You could stay at my house."

I blinked. Tory didn't usually say stuff like this. "Tory, I... I understand. But I don't think I can leave Percy alone for five minutes."

Tory didn't smile. "You're sure?"

"Yes. Why? Is that a... oh." The truth was sad. "You think I'm replacing you guys," I said quietly.

Tory's face flushed. "Do not!"

"Look: I am not replacing you. Sure, Percy's my brother, but that's as close as it gets. They're my friends, not my pack." I grabbed Tory's arm. She turned, her green eyes blazing with anger, but I didn't back down. "Did you hear what I said, Tory? Not. My. Pack."

Tory broke free of my grip. She stared out into the sea, not speaking. It wasn't until Ben came that I realized I should go. "Night, guys."

As I walked to the bunker, I glanced back at Tory and Ben. The two of them were holding hands. Ben seemed to be comforting Tory.

In spite of what just happened, I smiled. I may not be a son of Aphrodite, but even I knew Tory and Ben were a perfect match.

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