Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Plans and Problems


"Where should we go now?" Nudge asked. We watched Sam's air bubble slowly disappear under the waves.

"I don't know," I said.

"We could always go back to the house," Iggy suggested.

"No. We were captured there. It's probably crawling with Erasers." Thanks for not helping, Fang.

"Then where are we going to go?" Gazzy asked.

Suddenly Angel said, "How about we follow them?" pointing to the air bubble.

"Brilliant!" I hugged her tightly. So we followed them, hoping that for once, things would go our way.


I was tired of waiting.

It had been three days since Percy, Annabeth, and Sam had vanished. Nobody, not even the gods knew anything about their disappearance. Nobody except for me.

I hadn't said a word to anyone, not even Jason or Piper. I didn't know much, but what I did know terrified him. In my dreams, I saw Percy being injected by a needle. I saw Annabeth with wings grafted onto her back. I was scared most of a vision of Percy and Sam in dog crates. But their eyes were golden. Not like Hazel's eyes, but cold and fierce, glowing with a dark, primordial light.

I was terrified for my friends. I didn't know if they would ever be the same again.

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