Epilogue- Zen and Kai❤

Start from the beginning

He is all alone in the room. It means the kids are already up and now Niya will sulk because he didn't help her with the puddings for the breakfast. Oh, dear lord.

The door opens and a very delicious looking Zen walks in. Why oh why is he sporting all black? He's wearing a slim fit, well-tailored black pants, black colored high neck and a long black lined blazer.

Zen notices Kai drooling over him and gives him a smirk.

"The birthday girl is very excited about the pudding and is waiting for her papa Kai." Zen sits next to a disheveled looking Kai, admiring his dorky looking bedhead look and takes him in his arms. Kai hugs him back and closes his eyes, taking in the amazing scent of his husband.

"They had breakfast?"

"Yes. With much difficulty of course. You know how Niya is."

Kai chuckles.

"Was she insisting on waking me up?"

"Yeah, but then I said if you don't get enough sleep then you'll most likely ruin the pudding and that convinced her very fast to let you sleep."

"I'll be downstairs soon then."

Zen places a kiss on Kai's neck and swings side to side. "I'll be downstairs." Zen unwraps his arms from around Kai and then walks out of the room. Kai hurriedly goes into the bathroom and freshens up. He takes a quick warm shower and dresses up. He picks out a cream-colored turtle neck and grey pants.

He hurries downwards and smiles when he sees Zen, Niya and Ansh together on the sofa and watching Tom and Jerry, giggling together.

Niya turns her head and squeals when she sees Kai.


Zen and baby Ansh also look back and smile at him. Ansh starts jumping on the sofa and Zen holds his waist supporting him so that he doesn't fall down.

"How are my babies?" Kai sits next to them and Ansh instantly jumps into his arms after Zen frees him, giggling and nuzzling.

"We'll make puddings!"

"After you Papa eats his breakfast." Zen announces and pinches his daughter's cheek.

A maid arrives and serves him the breakfast. Kai's eyes twinkle as he sees the bread omelet with the Indian green chutney. His favorite!

Zen pulls baby Ansh on his lap and Niya sits on his side as they allow Kai to eat peacefully.

After Kai is done, he takes Niya to the kitchen who forbids Zen and Ansh to enter until their pudding is prepared.

"Fine. Ashy and I will have fun together and will watch cartoon." Zen playfully huffs and looks at his son who enthusiastically nods. Kai chuckles as Zen walks away and him and Niya gets busy with their task.

They make chocolate bread pudding and Niya is so proud when her fathers taste it and cannot help but sing praises and tell her how talented she is. Even though Kai is the one who did most of the work as Niya helped the best a toddler can.

Kai feeds a small amount to his son who also seems to like it a lot and Niya claps her hands in happiness.

The decorators arrive at 3 pm and Kai takes the children in their separate room where all their toys are kept. They just play there and sleep with their parents.

Zen and Kai get busy as they instruct the decorators and supervise the kitchen, making sure that the feast is being prepared properly.

Everything gets done by 7 pm and the decorators leave. The guests will arrive within half an hour so Kai rushes upstairs to ready the kids as Zen follows soon after. He gave strict instructions to everyone that no one will call him today for any office related work as it is a very special day for his family. Kai also informed his Institute's staff to not disturb him.

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