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Crying out his name, (Y/N) rushed to his side and took his face into her hands. So much time passed, since she was able to be close to him again. It felt so unreal. So hard to show her long needed affection towards him in that condition.

His whole body trembled of her soft skin on his. He couldn't believe that his pleadings were heard and accepted and he was able to have her by his side. Her soft lips landed on his and roughly he kissed back. Hungrily he tried to get as close as possible. He missed her so much. God if he wasn't cuffed up at this god damn wall, he sure would have already pressed her small form into his chest.
Kiss after kiss she smiled weakly, while tears rolled down her cheeks. (Y/N) didn't want to stop. She wanted to drown in his sweet touch and forget everything around her. She could feel by his strained look that he was thinking the same. Resting her forehead against his she sighed deeply.

"Katakuri.... I don't have much time..", her sweet voice let him shiver.

"You shouldn't be here in the first place..."

"I could say the same....", she spoke strained and he had to chuckle, but it sounded more frustrated than amused. As much as he was grateful to see her, he couldn't let her go on like that. Since he knew that she was at this godforsaken place, he thought, no prayed that she would get out of that alive. Compared to her reckless acts back then, this was on a whole different level. Katakuri's heart was heavy about the words he had to say, but it was necessary.

"(Y/N)... Listen..", he started, but was interrupted by her quick moves to get her bag.

"Katakuri here you have to eat something... "

Looking down at the small doughnuts and the sweet expression of his wife, it pained even more. She was doing so much just for him. He didn't know how she was able to get these. Out of all sweets she was able to bring him his favorites at a place like this. And the reason always let him ask himself how blessed he was all this time.

She loved him.

"I have to say that the circumstances aren't the best ones to eat with you for the first time..i already had planned our merienda together.. .", he spoke sadly, while (Y/N) brushed his cheek lovingly.

"Don't focus on such things. Now it's important that you get some food into your stomach.", (Y/N) whispered with a smile, while holding the dessert up to his mouth. Taking a small bite, it felt relieving to finally taste something sweet. But honestly he didn't care right now about his condition.

"Good... But not as good as yours...", he whispered, while eating one doughnut after another. (Y/N) cherished this bittersweet moment. For him it was the first time that someone other than his few siblings saw him eating. It was a special moment with a horrible timing. Nevertheless she was happy to see that his pale face got more color.

"Katakuri I will get you out of here...", she spoke seriously and could see his eyes narrowing. Before she was able to go on he cut in.

"(Y/N) stop..It's enough. You already played with your life and seeing your outfit I can imagine in what trouble you are right now.", he started stressed and watched her frustrated gaze.

"No you don't understand... I have a plan. I have a map and a ship, I just have to make sure how we get to the underground entrance without making a scene..", she spoke hopefully but his angered look stayed the same. Why wasn't he happy about it? Relieved or motivated?

" (Y/N) listen to me.",he started and she could already imagine what he was going to say. Tears rolled down her face and she bite her lip to control her emotions.

"Take the map, go to the ship and leave as long as you are able to... Please... Stay alive and get out of here. Leave everything behind...", his voice broke, because deep down he hated it to say it. Deep down he wanted to go with her, but it wasn't possible. Not at such place.

Finding LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon