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Sitting on the wall of the wedding's entry, Katakuri's look fell onto his two brothers which were coming back from fighting the intruders.

"Great warm up.", Oven stretched his arms proudly and looked up to him to give him a thumps up. Watching the field of defeated enemies he laughed out loud.

"Know your place losers!"

"To think that they really try to attack us. Unbelievable...", Daifuku spoke bored beside him.

Katakuri played with some jelly beans in his hand and jumped down from high above the wall. His spurs clinking with every step he made,while slowly reaching his brothers.

" Their fail was already settled after showing up at the entry. To attack directly with their level of strength is like running into a knife. Ridiculous.", katakuri spoke coldly and headed back to the party, followed by his brothers.

Cheering guests and dancing desserts were making loud noises after spotting the sweet generals of the Charlottes.
It didn't take long that Katakuri was surrounded by fans after he sat down at one of the seats close to where his mother would be. He was used to their talking and questions about his training and how great he was, but deep inside him it also stressed a lot. Because he knew it was all fake admiration.

"Katakuri we saw you at the gate. You are so strong. I love your ability to shoot someone just with sweets. That's incredible.", some fangirls tried to get close to him, but his look alone cold and demanding let them keep a safe distance. Nevertheless they looked at him with charming smiles and kept up their talking.
How he hated the way they use such a strong word like it meant nothing.


To kill someone shouldn't be something to love. It's a solution to get rid of enemies. Sighing of their helpless flirting he gave short answers and tried to stay as polite as possible. They didn't know him in the slightest, didn't know what was underneath his scarf, but tried to get close to him. He knew why and it disgusted him. It was his rank, his name and blood, which made him this popular. Plus his outstanding strength and always be the loyal, perfect brother for his siblings.
His look fell onto some desserts on the table with small doughnuts. Since (Y/N) made him these unbelievable creations of dough, he always had to think about her after spotting them.

Was she alright? Hopefully eating his fruit?

Thinking back to their long conversation on the ship, he had to smile. She was in every way special to him.

Sighing he knew that he couldn't see her till tomorrow or sadly longer. Watching his siblings fulfilling their duties in entertaining the guests, his look stopped by Smoothie. She was making drinks and welcoming arriving guests. Watching in awe everyone was impressed by her talent and having a good time, but something was off. Quickly Katakuri got a glimpse of the future to find Smoothie looking shocked and gasping.

Maybe new intruders who wanted to disturb the wedding? Were there really so many idiots out there?

Annoyed he turned to Oven, who was sitting next to him, to tell him about it, but was stopped by his appearance. Mouth agape his look was focused to the entrance and let Katakuri's eyes narrow in irritation. Believing that something bad was about to happen he quickly turned back and was about to jump up, but his body froze in the spot after his eyes were met with the source of Oven's shock.

Smiling shyly towards Smoothie, who was shocked at first, but then more than happy, his wife (Y/N) entered the party.
From the beginning Katakuri thought she was beautiful, but standing there in this long dress, her hair styled up in an elegant way with curls and her sparkling eyes, let his eyes go wide. It felt like his heart was about to jump out of his ribcage. If he didn't already fall for her, now she had catched his heart again.

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