"Pixal figured it out mostly, I give her the credit."

Zane scoffed at no one in particular a few seconds after that statement, to which the others assumed it was meant for Pixal. Wu, Misako, and Garmadon walked over to the ninja, with the civilians of Stiix and the police gone, leaving just them left.

"The police chief is setting up some of his people to watch the boundaries incase that creature makes it here before we regroup. For now, we get together some weapons, vehicles, and anything else we may need. We need to find that creature before it find us first. I know it sounds cruel, but we know next to nothing about this beast, we don't know how powerful it is, but our first priority is protecting the city. We will get Lloyd back, but I worry what else will come out of the portal if we open it back up, so we must wait. I know it might seem like we might be overreacting but Ninjago city has suffered from too many disasters, and I don't want it getting destroyed or hurt again just because we underestimated something."

Third limited(Wu):

Wu spoke sternly to the ninja, leaving no room to protest. He too wanted to bring back Lloyd as soon as possible. Whenever he had used the realm crystal- Wait. THE REALM CRYSTAL! Oh goodness, he had completely forgotten about it. He was never the type to swear, unlike a few certain ninja who he would not name, but, just, fuck. That crystal was the safest and fastest way to travel through the realms. And now it was at the bottom of a sea. Literally. Lovely.

He didn't know how much time Lloyd had, or if he was in trouble, in whatever realm he ended up in. The sooner they dealt with this creature, the sooner they could find a way to bring Lloyd back home. First, they had to come up with a plan.

"Kai and Jay, you'll go with Misako to the museum with Misako to help her search through the archives for anything you can find on this thing. The rest of us, except Nya since she'll be fixing the engine, will head back out and search for the creature and trap it. It'll most likely be heading our way since it saw which direction we were crashing in. It obviously does not like people, seeing as how it reacted to them on the ship, so we cannot let it reach the city."

"Why does Cole and Zane, with Pixal of course, get to go??"

Jay dramatically whined, earning a smack on the head from Cole. Wu opened his mouth to respond before Cole jumped in, responding first.

"I'm obviously stronger and smarter than you two, duh."

Kai and Jay shot annoyed glares at Cole who snickered before looking away sheepishly as Sensei cleared his throat.

"Because Cole and Zane's elemental powers will come in handy in the desert, and it would be nice to have two nindroids since they're quite smart and skilled, wouldn't it?"

Zane smiled proudly while Cole laughed in a bragging manner at the two ninja who sighed in defeat. Cole lifted himself from the railing and jumped down into the sand, spraying dust and sand in Zane and Nya's face who coughed loudly and wiped it away. They glared at Cole while wiping off the sand that fluttered onto their clothes, who awkwardly grinned with an apologetic look.


Third omniscient:

Kai, Jay, and Misako left first, taking off on their elemental dragons into the city. Sensei walked over to Morro while the others prepared their dragons and who would be hitching a ride with who.

"Are you coming, Morro?"

"Well I certainly don't want to be stuck with Miss Angry Water Woman over there, so I might as well come. This doesn't mean I fucking forgive you, or that I trust you, or I'll follow you like a slave, or that I'm on your side now."

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