#MPS-15 I am Interdependent

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Some people are independent by their own understanding. Independence means you earn your bills and you work for your money. You don't need to take loans from people or take gifts from others. I have to let them in on a secret. Independence is not possible. You depend on billions of people and billions of people depend on you. I can prove it. But you might need to first disprove your independence. Even a business depends on it's employees and investments. Employees depend on the business and the investors depend on them all. 

I can't build a home without thousands of others preparing products that I will use. I like people to depend on me. I don't have regrets often over what I have given, even if seems unappreciated or is not returned.

I depend on a handful of people emotional support and I still take loans with no substantial assets. I am involved in many interdependent relationships. None of them are forced dependence we all give because we want to help take care of people and not just leave and say "take care". We everybody means it but sometimes they have to will it.

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