#MPS-10 The Conditions of Trust and Respect.

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We all get disrespectful and untrustworthy. We all lack trust. Those who become untrustworthy do so because of the way they fail to show respect and how frequently they mistrust. How can you love someone and fail to be a respectful person? Kindness wins hearts, judges, and juries. You don't have to show much kindness in order to be respectful. I trust people that don't try to hurt others on purpose and without good reason due to their lack of trust.

Jealousy creates monsters. To some people there is nothing more disrespectful than calling them a liar or saying their words are not true. God forbid they not trust us, but the moment we found a lack of trust we stopped trusting them and lost respects.

The conditions of trust and respect are as follows:

1) Do not try to hurt people on purpose. It's not fun. It's not funny. It's not legal.

2) Do not tell lies or omit important things.

3) Trust is earned by trusting.

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