#MPS-3. What are the conditions of your love?

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I don't have very specific conditions. I worked at looking for conditions that are universal and personal. I know it will end if I am not accepted. I don't want to always be around someone that is rarely content. I'd like to find someone that appreciates simple and common things. I want someone to celebrate with. 

It's easier when our emotions are not stressors. It's easier when we are grateful and hopeful. It's easier to have a reason to be faithful. The condition of my love is, hopeful, loyal, and looking for love. I don't find anything I don't look for. I don't even look for years on end. I have high hopes for a few "hellos" and a day to patch things up. Just a "Hello", "Let's Talk" from someone will do. I am a hopeful person and I'm becoming more patient. Patient people are easier to love.

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