#MPS-11 You Are Good Enough; For Everyone.

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Some people will tell you that people are out of your league. Unattainable and superior. Take light from the ideas of being unattainable and superior. You can never be sure according to what other people believe. People love to add their opinion on people's relationships. Even their own friends think they have a say or that they should voice their say. 

Some of them will even play with your emotions due to envy of others taking your time. Both of them want your time. That's the way it is with most people that you know. What they know is a new person is getting love and they already decided if it worth it or if it will fail. People are meant to be treated as equals. The tag #lovewhoyourloveslove attracts my attention in the simple truth that loving and respectful people try to love anyone you love. At least while they are around. See most people take off after the deeds are done. 

Pursue who you want and let them convince you that you don't have what it takes to get another's love. When you are accepting of people, in a content mood, and appreciative of those who have given you good times, you are the choice people to celebrate with.

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