#MPS-21 The Jealous Mindsets

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There are two different types of jealous mindset that everyone falls into.

1)Humble and Jealous

2)Proud and Jealous

The emotions that tag along with jealousy vary in intensity. It doesn't go away because the reality is that people do leave more often than not. It's actually quite rational to think the last one was likely to move on, just like the next friend will. 

In a humbly jealous mindset the feelings are caused by the thoughts of losing the relationship where as proudly jealous people are driven by a fear of losing face. This type is afraid to lose that us and might hold onto it dearly. A person in a humble jealous mindset doesn't communicate their jealousy in abusive ways like stalking, yelling, or violence. Proud and jealous is the type that may get abusive or violent.

Keep in mind that people are all fighting a battle of their own. They learn from their relationships. Sometimes they learn  from the wrong relationships but learn the right things.

The real question is does my partner, can this person, remedy my trust issues?

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