"Did you borrow them off your dad?" Embry asked.


"Ah, so that's why they look like they're from the 1950s," Dakota teased.

Montana touched Jacob's arm comfortingly. "Hey, leave him alone. He's giving you a ride to this party out of the kindness of his heart–"

"He's giving you a ride out of the kindness of his heart," Embry pointed out. "And for a little extra..." he raised his eyebrows, exchanging a grin with Dakota, who failed to stifle a laugh.

"Well, you could always walk there," Montana suggested.

"I think that's a great idea," Jacob added, eyes narrowed in Embry's direction.

Embry's mouth clamped shut. "Have I ever told you how much our friendship means to me?"

Jacob simply stared at him, and then shook his head. "Shut up, Embry."

"Hey, I have a question," Quil spoke up.

Jacob titled his head back and groaned. "Oh for the love of God–"

"I just wanted to ask whether we can go yet," Quil said, a little irritably. Montana's eyes drifted over him. Quil impatiently tapped his feet on the ground as he waited for an answer. When he noticed them all watching, he froze. "What? I just don't want to be late."

"You know it's cool to be late, right?" Dakota said.

"He wouldn't know that because he's not cool," Embry quipped back.

Montana glared sternly at him. "Wow, you really are on fire today, aren't you?"

"Thank you."

"I wasn't complimenting you, I was telling you to stop." She directed her gaze subtly towards a dejected looking Quil, hoping Embry would get the hint. Though, Montana was entirely aware that she'd probably need a miracle for that.

"Come on, everyone in," Jacob urged, stopping the seeping awkwardness in its tracks.

Quil moved quickly to open the car door, getting into the left side without a word. The four of them watched after him, looking back at each other with furrowed brows of confusion. They all seemed to dismiss any concern with a shake of the head, and got into the car.

"Can't believe we all have to squeeze into the back whilst Montana sits up front," Embry complained as he climbed in after Dakota. "She's literally the smallest person here."

"Everybody in?" Jacob asked, glancing up into the rear view mirror.

"Embry, move your fat ass," Dakota snapped, trying to push him out the way, presumably so she could click her seat belt in.



"Bite me!"

"I literally will–"

"Christ, dude, just move," Quil huffed.

Embry and Dakota stopped bickering and looked over at him. Embry eventually moved further to the side, allowing Dakota to strap herself in.

Quil shifted as far away from them as possible so that he was facing the window. He leaned on his elbow and looked outside.

Montana swiveled around. "Hey, Quil, are you okay?"

"Yeah, what's got your panties in a twist?" Dakota asked, taking a typically less gentle approach that made Montana want to slam her head against the dashboard.

Midnight » Jacob BlackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant