~Near Past~

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(A/N: The other picture on the cover is my creation, she looks like that under the mask)

For one hundred years, forgotten.

For one hundred years before that, barely known.

Fifty years before? Known.

And fifty years before that? Not known at all.

My life is a puzzle. As soon as all the pieces fit, there was still one missing. And no matter how many pieces I pick up and place there, I still feel there's more.

I wasn't extremely social as a child. I was silent and always kept to myself. There wasn't anyone to turn to, really. My mother was under care. And by who?

By me.

Her only child had to take care of her, so as to not arouse anything suspicious between their family and others. 

The fact that my father had passed away was really upsetting for both mother and I, but it seemed to affect mother much more than I had expected.

When we were told about my father's death, I instantly could tell something else happened. My father had vowed to come back. And he wasn't just the ordinary sword fighter you'd find anywhere. He was extremely skilled and trained and was very professional.

But even though all of these things were there... no one is perfect, and so- I don't know the exact details, but I plan to find out- he died.

After hearing about my father's passage, I was very stricken. Especially since I was around sixteen. This age is extremely young for my kind, so do not think I was a grown person yet. That occurs when you turn around two hundred.

Anyway, mother forbade any sword practise. I wasn't sure why, because the War Generals weren't even letting females admit. I later found out that there were certain ones who could.

Three years later, I met another girl, around the same age as me. Although I wasn't exactly interested in socializing, I supposed I may as well say something to see how she reacted.


I was sitting in a library, and it was around five pm. The door suddenly opened, and someone came inside.

"Whoo, it's so cold outside!" they exclaimed, and then received a 'shhhhhh' from Mr Sparks, the librarian. I never got to ask him why his first name was Sparks, but nevermind.

"Sorry..." the girl whispered and noticed me. I mentally groaned, and I was also a bit anxious. I wasn't that familiar with people, and couldn't bring up a normal conversation. 

"Hi!" she said, making sure her voice was quiet. "I came to the library to see why people like it so much here! For all I see... it's boring..." she murmured, looking around the place. It was modern-styled. Nothing fancy, but nothing too old either. It was just perfect. The second you would enter, a welcoming warm library, and the smell of books just wafted through the air, greeting you.

"So... who're you? I'm Galacta!" the girl suddenly spoke once more. "My name is Twilight..." I managed, feeling already uncomfortable. "I know who you are! You're that Sir C-" "SHHHHHHHH!" almost everyone in the library turned in our direction, and I just slunk back into my chair, not wanting to deal with this.

"Sorry!" Galacta smiled nervously as everyone rolled their eyes and went back to what they were doing, occasionally glancing towards us in case she yelled again.

Feeling paranoid, I left the library with the book I was reading, and unfortunately you can guess who followed me. 

"So..." she attempted, and I sighed, "Why are you following me?" I asked, and she looked at me, "I actually don't know the answer to that... but I'm going to follow you since I have nothing better to do." Galacta said, and I shook my head and started towards my home.

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