#MPS-1. Do you want to be a loyal friend?

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I hope everybody says "I do".

To as many people as they choose to share love. It doesn't take much time or effort, all it takes is a positive view of a person for as long as you can stay positive. Do you want to be old and friends and see all that you can see of anyone? How much can you do for them? Is most of what you want to be said left unsaid?  You see them as a loving spirit and that gave you just the right amount of drive. Love means we're friends, we want each other to thrive. 

But when sex comes into the equation, control and power struggles may arise. I want to be you my friend until you finally close your eyes. Until the day that you no longer rise. I want to be with your ghost and it's you that makes me believe in Heaven the most. Yes I want to be a loyal friend even when we part or romance ends. Yes, please. Your loyalty is priceless, let's be friends. 

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