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April 29         I didn't proof read!
Brianna's POV
I woke up and Brandon was gone. I seen he texted me letting me know he had a good time last night and to call him when I wake up. So I called him and we talked for a while. After I got off the phone with him I got ready to go to the boutique.

CeCe's POV
I was at work getting the rest of my paperwork done before I go on break I just got back after taking off for vacation. I lowkey missed my job. I finally went on lunch break when Josh texted me. We've been hanging out but I don't think he's interested in me. It seems like he still caught up in the hoe life and I don't blame him we young and I don't wanna be tied down to anyone just yet. But we'll see where this goes..

Later on that day
Melody's POV
I was picking chase up from my baby daddy house I was kinda nervous because I haven't seen him in 7 months. My mom has been picking chase up from my baby dads house sense we couldn't be around each other without arguing.
"Hiiii baby" I said picking Chase up.
"Hi mommy"
"You had fun at your daddy's house" I asked him while buckling him in his car seat.
"Yes I played with my toys and grandpa James came over"
"Okay that's good"
I was driving back home when a car swerved into my car....
I felt like I was hanging upside down all I was worried about was chase. I tried to look back but I couldn't. I could hear him crying. I tried to find my phone but I couldn't. So I tried to scream for help while trying to unbuckle my seatbelt. I seen a man and lady approach the car. The lady went to the side Chase was on. It was hard to focus because my head was hurting really bad. The man pulled me out. The lady was having a difficult getting Chase. But the man gave me his phone and told me to call the police. The lady finally got Chase out the car. His arms and legs was lightly bleeding. I couldn't even talk to the operator because I was crying so much.

At the hospital...
I was so worried about chase that I couldn't focus on the fact that I had a migraine. I wasn't injured so the doctor prescribed me medication for my migraines and discharged me. My mom came in the hospital with a worried look on her face.
"Where is he?" she asked
"He's getting clean up. He had some deep cuts."
"Thank god" she said holding her heart.
"Jackson"the lady at the front desk called out.
"Yes that's me" I said
"Your son is all set here's some medication for him and he should be getting rolled out any minute now"
"Okay thank you"
They rolled him out and I felt my eyes watering. My baby look like he was hurting. I felt so bad. I know it's not my fault but I feel I should've paid more attention to the road maybe I would've seen the car sooner.
"Oh my god Chase" I said about to cry.
"Don't cry mommy"he said.
That made me wanna cry even more.
My mom drove us to her house. My nerves was so bad the whole ride... I don't know how I'm gonna being about to be sane while driving. I need this migraine to go away and get some rest.

sorry if y'all was a little confused. I've never been in a serious car accident and like I said I'm not that educated on how hospitals work. Especially in this case. So please bare with me🙏🏾. But I hope y'all liked this chapter. How y'all feel about all 3 of their Povs in one chapter👀.

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