Chapter One

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"and the person making it into the band is... Nathan Sykes!"
Jayne Collins happily called out, to the thousands of eager people waiting.

Nathan shyly walked up to Jayne and shook her hand with happy tears in his eyes. "Congrats!" Jayne whispered that only he could hear.
" you.." Nathan finally said, finding his words. He just simply couldn't believe it.

Did i really just make it into this band?
but what about mum..? and Jess..?
Leaving everyone behind? You're so fucking selfish.

Nathan was known to over-react but he just felt selfish.. well not him. The voice.

• • •

Nathan's POV:

"this is Max George and Thomas Parker!" Jayne sweetly introduces my new bandmates to me. I smile and not say anything.
Jayne swiftly walks away so we can meet each other properly

"Hi I'm Max!" the first one steps forward.
He seems to have a slight Manchester accent.

The "Thomas" one steps forward, and also introduces himself , I could barely understand him due to his strong Lancashire accent.
"How ol' are y' Nath? y' look pretty young" he says, with a more clear voice.

"..sixteen" I slowly admit, I was so scared of them judging me for being so young, or me being kicked out the band already. Which obviously i didn't want to happen.

"Aye, Tom now we have a little brother to look after!" Max excitedly exclaimed, putting his arm around me and Thomas, pushing us together as a three.
Tom flips out his blackberry phone and quickly snaps a photo of us before we could say anything,

Jayne comes back over, excited, i presume by seeing us getting along so quickly.
"Boys! I'm so glad you're getting along!
I just wanted to let you guys know that we will be re-auditioning some people to find the final two members for this group, so you can go home for now and tell your families the good news"
This is it. I officially made it into the band and there's no turning back.

• • •

Nathan arrived home so he could tell them the news.
Karen, Nathan's Mother, came out of the kitchen to hear what her son had to say.

"Nath? What is it?"
"Do you remember that audition i did the other day?"
"Yes, I very well do remember"
"well.. I got into the band today"
Nathan said, with a sparkle in his eyes.

Karen's mouth dropped right open. Did she really hear what she think she did?
Right as that moment, Jessica, Nathan's little sister, walked into the room to also hear what he had to say.

"you... WHAT?" Jessica said, stumbling on her words.. she was so happy for her brother, even though he had been singing since he was 6 years old. She was always there by his side and of course had to be there for him now.

Nathan and Jess sat down together in the main room of their house and decided to have a conversation about Nathan's news and what will change around the household.

"So.. when's your world tour" Jess says, slightly sarcastically but Nathan could tell she was worried about him, even though he is the older one.

"Jess, do you really think this band is gonna go far? I bet will just do a few gigs and then quit, otherwise why would they choose me, a fricken sixteen year old to be in the band? I still have my exams to prepare for. I don't think this band is serious, it's just something for fun"
Nathan says to comfort his little sister, but deep down, he agreed with himself, even if the band did do well, he would probably have to leave due to his studies.

Jess didn't like hearing her brother talk down about himself. Which he did a lot.
"Nathan! You're an amazing singer! You've been on Tv so many times and you're saying no to a once-in-a-lifetime experience? Please do it! for me and for mum"

Nathan started to tear up, Never has he got so much of a confidence boost from his own sister, he knew that whatever he had to face with this new chapter in his life, he would do it for Jess.

Nathan continued to hug his sister for a little while longer while he wiped his tears away.

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