Chapter 2

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Anna:Elsa we need to split up... Maybe we can find a place to stay or even a job to work...

Elsa:yeah okay*sighs*lets meet here in few hours *looks at her *be careful sis

Anna:you to Elsa *smiles then heads the other direction *

*1 more hour of walking later*

Elsa:*sighs and puts her bag down and sits on the road with her legs up to her knees *why... *starts crying*

Jack:*driving in his red Ferrari talking on the phone*okay I got it...  Don't forget to arrange a meeting with -----*sees Elsa sitting there then smiles*ill call you later*he hangs up and smiles then pulls over a bit further getting out of his car in a light blue suit then walks to her*hey princess~

Elsa:*hears his voice and shivers run down her body then looks up and sees him looking him up and down for a minute*

Elsa's thoughts
After the classes finished we went home and thank God he was asleep... me and Anna went in our room talked a bit then it hit me why don't we just run away we can survive... So we took few stuff and run out we walked 2 hours then Anna suggested to split up and we did... I walked and looked for please for and hour and nothing so I just sat there and cried silently... suddenly a car pulled over I thought it was nothing but then I heard it.... a man saying " Hey princess' his voice was so deep he sounded dangerous yet sweet he made my shiver so I looked up and holy shit.. Tall handsome man stood there he sure is rich and strong and looks smart... ELSA!!what the hell are you thinking about you don't even know him and here you are already liking him

Jack:are you done staring princess~*chuckles*

Elsa:*blushes*i-i wasn't staring! *stands up and takes a step back*please stay away... Just don't touch me... *glups*I don't have money and I'm not selling my body... *starts panicking*

Jack:wow wow calm down princess*chuckles and walks to her only one foot away from her*now tell me do I look like I want money? Or do I look like I want to rape you?

Elsa:*looking at him blushing*n-no you don't... Neither of them... And I'm not a princess... *looks away*

Jack:*chuckles*ohh but you are one *smiles and looks at her*now tell me what is a beautiful girl like you doing on the streets *notices a mark on her face and few bruises on her arms and neck*what happened?ego hurt you like this? *clenches his jaw*

Elsa:*looks away fighting her tears holding herself*just let me be... Go on with you're life..

Jack: I want to help you princess~*giggles and strokes her cheek*do you want me to help?

Elsa:*widens her eyes when he stroked her cheek then smiles a bit as she feels safe even though she knows him fee minutes* even if I let you help me I can't give you anything... I'm no one *sighs looking away*

Jack:*chuckles*okay let me ask you this*makes her look at him*can you cook princess?

Elsa:y-yes I can *looks at him nodding*

Jack:okay now tell me can you clean princess?

Elsa:yes I can *looking at him and smiles a bit*

Jack:*giggles*and now can you take notes and follow rules?

Elsa:*nods *Mhm I can *smiles wider*

Jack:then done~ *chuckles and takes his jacket off putting it around her*

Elsa:*looks at him then his jacket *hey what are you doing its cold!

Jack:you're the one shivering princess*laughs and picks her up putting her in the front seat *

Elsa:hey I didn't agree!! *yells at him holding onto his jacket then looks at him when he sits in the car *

Jack:*chuckles and looks at her *okay then do you want my help or not..? ~

Elsa:*sighs and rolls her eyes*okay fine! *looks out of the window*

Jack:*chuckles*here we go*starts driving*

*20 minutes later he drives through a gate and parks a car in front on a mansion*

Jack:we're here princess~*giggles and walks out *

Elsa:*walks out of his car with her eyes widen and her jaw dropped* omg.... Holly shit... *looks around* this is where you live?! *looks at him*

Jack:*chuckles*yes princess this is where I live *starts walking toward to house*close you're mouth and try to keep up~

Elsa:*blushes still holding onto his jacket then follows him inside and her eyes widen once again when they enter *shit...

Jack:*chuckles looking at her*you're doing it again princess~

Elsa:*blushes and looks away*sorry...

*a girl walk out of a door and walks to him*

Ariel:hello sir *smiles looking at him then looks at Elsa *hello ma'am

Jack:Ariel this is our new guest she will stay with us she can do whatever she wants ohh and I forgot*looks at Elsa*whats you're name princess~?

Elsa:*giggles and looks at him*i-its Elsa... How about you?

Jack:nice to meet you Elsa but I'll still call you princess~*chuckles *I'm Jack *looks at her *let me show you you're room then we can have dinner and I want to discuss some stuff with you*he turns to Ariel*make the table ready

Ariel:right away sir*walks away*

Jack:follow me princess*walks upstairs then points to a big door*thats my room*then he points to the slightly smaller door next to his*and that's yours *he walks inside *

Elsa:*blushes still looking around then follows him inside and her eyes widen again as she's shocked*this room is to big! I can have a smaller one...

Jack:this is the smallest one princess~*laughs and smirks at her *

Elsa:what!? *blushes looking around*woah it's amazing...

Jack:I'm glad you like it *smiles *you can take a shower but since you don't have clothes I'll give you mine just for the night and tomorrow we can go shopping

Elsa:*smiles looking at him*t-thank you for everything... *blushes and walks in the bathroom taking her clothes off and getting inside *

Elsa's thoughts
This is crazy... First thing first I cant believe I feel safe with him his just a stranger that I've know less than 30 minutes and now I'm in his house showering... I don't know who he is I just know his name is Jack... God saying his name made me shiver what the hell I need to snap out of this and just shower then go downstairs I'm starving but I gotta admit it he said we need to talk about something and I'm nervous

.........To be continued........

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