eight- a world like that

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I have a million other things to be doing right now. Honestly, I could be staring at the bedroom ceiling, composing music, getting my nails done, or perhaps even punching a hole in the wall with a good amount of effort. 

But nooo. 

I took the decision to skip a highly celebrated lunch with amazing food and decided to seem like a scandalous woman and hang out with the prince which everyone was competing for. 

People would think we actually liked each other. The other people that actually wanted to be with Percy should have been in my place, watching him gallop back on Blackjack with a picnic basket in his hand—or helping him set up the leftovers that he scraped together from the royal kitchen—or having lunch with him. Alone. In the middle of a wildly aesthetic field supplied with the perfect weather and circumstances for a date. 

Not me. Not the girl that had wanted nothing to do with him in the first place. But I was smiling about it, teeth and all. And Percy was smiling back at me. What the hell was I even doing? What was I thinking? Honestly, I had no idea. 

God, I feel so stupid right now. 

"It's not much, but-"

I cut Percy off, "No, it's fine. I really am not even that hungry right now anyway." 

He raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure? You look a bit skinny these days."

"Excuse me?" I stared him down (wow, look at me staring down a prince) and his eyes widened. 

"No, not in that way, just, maybe you should eat more?" He reconciled, clasping his hands together. 

I grabbed a croissant and took a savage bite out of it, "There. Eating." Then I gasped, "Wait, did I actually just do that?!" I scanned the area for any hidden cameras or paparazzi. 

"Do what?"

"My reputation would go down because of that bite," I gingerly took another bit out of the croissant. 

Percy sat down, "Hey, have you ever tried goat cheese?"

My eyes widened, "Yes. Blueberry goat cheese is literally supreme. And saltwater crackers."

"So, we don't have blueberry, but I do have an orange blossom and honey flavored one, along with a fully plated charcuterie board. Salami anyone?" Percy placed the small wooden board assorted with different foods on the table. 


"Yes, Marissa."

"Have you realized how much trouble we're going to get in for this?" Percy froze his hand over the cheese slices. 

"Now that I think about it: oh boy, we're screwed." I threw my head back and laughter filled my chest. 

"Everyone's literally gonna hate on me. You should make a song about it," Percy smiled, combing his fingers through his hair. 

"Maybe I should," I whispered, nibbling on a strawberry. I sighed loudly, "This is really nice, isn't it?" 

Percy scoffed, "Wish it was like this everyday." 

"Imagine a world like that," I blinked, "Wait, imagine a world like that. Why is that so musically brilliant?!" I jumped out of my seat, "We need to go to the studio."


"Prin- Percy, I'm having an epiphany, and it is a brilliant one, we need to get to the studio."

"I- Okay?! What about the food?"

"Grab as much as you can and eat it on the way." I began walking as fast as I could in a dress, Percy trailing behind me carrying the charcuterie board. 


"Yeah?" I stopped at turned around.

Percy grinned, "Nothing." His smile threw me off, it wasn't meaningless, but I couldn't decipher what the reason behind it was. It was something, however, that made me want to smile back. 

I rolled my eyes, "Weirdo."


Percy spun in the chair wildly, "Can I help?"

"What do you mean?"

"I wanna help! I can do something. I can beatbox." 

"I appreciate the effort, but I do have something better. Tell me how this sounds." I put on the headphones, "Can you click the button over there?" I pointed at the center control. 

Percy pointed at the one I indicated to and pressed it once I gave him a confirming nod, "Aight, show me your talent. I'll Simon Cowell you." 

"Sound check?"

"All clear!" Percy smiled all teeth and leaned back in the chair, "That's why you say right."

"Sure, okay, so I was thinking something like, I don't know-" I hummed a tune and Percy perked up in his seat. 

"Try singing it."

"Uh, okay so like, imagine a world like that." 

Percy blinked, "Damn, wish I had talent like that." I almost snorted but held back, a smile leaking through instead. 

"OK so uh," I snapped twice, and the lyrics came to me in a flow.

"Imagine a world like that 

Imagine a world like that 

We go like up 'til I'm 'sleep on your chest 

Love how my face fits so good in your neck 

Why can't you imagine a world like that? 

Imagine a world."

"You sound..." Percy stared at me, an awed look on his face. Then his face dimmed, "In love."

The way his face dimmed seemed strange. His smile tightened, his eyes lost all sparkle, and his chin lowered. 

I laughed, my voice cracking in the middle, "I try and act like it." I ran a hand through my hair and stepped out of the booth. 

"Percy hand me that notebook." Percy looked up, suddenly alert. 

"What?" He snapped his head in the direction of my hands and handed me the soft forest-green book. My mother had given it to me, the pages scented of apple and faint beige color. Messy cursive lines were etched into the pages, tattoos of my heart printed in a little velvet book. I opened to a fresh new page, grazing my hand over it. 

"Would you like to help?" I asked. 

"I don't know anything about love, Marissa. That's kinda why you're here."

I smiled, "Exactly. But..." I placed my hand on him, "Writing can teach you many things, and love can be one of them."

Percy smiled and I widened my eyes, "No seriously, there are horribly nasty books about making love it's crazy."

"Not for children."

"No!" I slapped his back, "Of course not!"


"Good." Our eyes met and we both burst out into laughter, our hands still touching. 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 -- 𝙋𝙅𝙊/𝙃𝙊𝙊Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon