"Two. Minutes. Late." 

"Whatever. You better get going. Bye."



It didn't take long for waiting in my car to get boring. I would get out and maybe someone would be there early as well, or I could at least grab a drink at Latte Love. Actually, I should get a drink at Latte Love considering my insufficient breakfast. 


"Oooh, you're early." I walked in Studio-A to find Kenzie was already rehearsing. She looked as though she has been here for quite sometime. 

"Shouldn't I be surprised that you're so early?" She seemed irritated by my presence. I clenched my hand against my chest, pretending to be offended. 

"And I was filming, you interrupted." 

"Jeez, sorry to ruin your morning. I'll just leave." I held my hands up in mock surrender and back peddled out. 

"Wait, no, stay." All of a sudden, Kenzie sounded a lot more remorseful. 

"Okay, I'm staying." At this point, I had been nothing more than an obedient robot today. 

I flung my body onto one of the benches, Kenzie slumped against the mirrors. 

"You look... tired." 

"I feel tired." She glanced at her watch which irritated me because it reminded me of teh watch I had left at home.

"What have you been up to?" I asked. 

"I've been here since seven." 

"Seven! Is the studio even open at seven?" 

"Emily opens it at six-thirty," she said matter-of-factly. 

"Who knows that?" 

"Front row dancers," she snapped back. 

"Okay, Miss Stardom," I teased. She was probably just in a bad mood but two can play at that game. I still hadn't had my breakfast. 

"How much of the choreo have you learnt?" I glanced at my phone. A text from Henry asking if I was at the studio yet. It texted back yeah and turned off my phone.

"Nearly all of it." My eyebrows shot up. Kenzie had only been assigned all her new roles a couple of days ago. I know I wouldn't be able to learn all of it that quickly. 

"You must be tired." I got up from the bench. 

"Really, Sherlock?" I wondered whether that was a reference to my self-proclaimed detective skills. 

"I'm just saying, I'm going to the café and I think you need something before rehearsal starts so..." The unamused expression on her face soon faded. 

"Sure." She pushed herself up and followed me out. 

Before we could get out of the studio, we were stopped by a massive, walking dance bag with legs. That massive walking dance bag was Michelle. 

"Hey, guys," she said, poking her head around the bag. 


"You'll never guess what this is?" She somehow managed to hand me the bag, making me take the burden of carrying whatever was inside. Why was it so heavy? 

I placed it on the floor; Michelle knelt down to unzip it. 

"Ta-dah!" Her face lit up as she held up a black buffer jacket next to her face. 

Both Kenzie and I took a moment to process what was so special while Michelle continued to present the jacket with all the wow-factor she could muster. 

"Look, guys." She tore the jacket out of it's plastic wrapping and tossed it to me. After a bit of examining, I finally figured it out. 

"Oh, cool. Are these for us?" They were buffer jackets, just like the ones we wore to competitions, but they were black and had a white "S" printed on the sleeve instead of an "A". 

"Oh, cool," Kenzie said in a tired expression that told us otherwise. Michelle held up another jacket, determining whether or not it would fit her or not. 

"We thought it would be good idea that you guys now go by S-troupe, now." 

"'S' as in Senior?" Kenzie asked. Michelle nodded. 

"It's going to look great for when we make the adverts with you guys' face on them." She looked through the bag some more. "We also got new A-troupe jackets for B-troupe. And B-troupe jackets for J-troupe. And new J-troupe jackets for when we get new J-troupers." You could tell that Michelle was slowly starting to regret what would have been a massive purchase. 

"We got a lot of money from the tour," she laughed nervously, quickly defending herself. 

"That's great." Kenzie jumped up. "Talking about the tour, I've basically gotten all the choreo down. Do you want to see it?" She seemed oddly eager to dance again for someone who had looked ready to faint only five minutes ago. 

"Yes, you've been working so hard. I'll come watch you in a minute. Just let me take these jackets to B-troupe, or should I say A-troupe." She said her last line as though she was in a sitcom and she was waiting for her laugh track. She didn't get one. 

"Okay, I'll see you guys in a minute." She waved as best as she could with the huge bag in her hands and quickly walked out. 

I slipped the jacket on. It had a nice snug fit. It felt a lot nicer compared to my A-troupe jacket that was getting old, anyways. 

"You coming to Latte Love?" I asked Kenzie. 

"I should probably get warm for Michelle." 

"Okay." I stretched the word out, giving her time to change her mind. She didn't.

"I'll see you." I jogged out of the door and headed to the cafe. 

Showtime: S7 Ending And S8 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now