I rolled down the window, looking at her. "Osamu, what are you doing here?" she asked. Her voice, it filled with guilty and she had that sad look on her face. "I'm driving you to the campus today. We have a class together this morning, right?" I smiled. I can't lie, I was lowkey upset at y/n for hurting Atsumu but she's still someone who's important to me, platonically. I can't just ignore her when she's in a fight with my brother. She's my friend and I should at least lend a hand to help. "It's okay. I've called for a taxi just now. They'll be here in a minute" she refused me nicely. "No, you'll be coming with me. Come, class's starting soon" I nodded my head, convincing her.

She let out a soft sigh and a hum before getting into my car. "You shouldn't be nice to me, Osamu. I don't deserve all this kindness" she looked up at me, smiling bitterly. I cleared my throat and heaved. "Just because you did a mistake, doesn't mean people should start giving you shitty treatment. You're a good person and I believe in you" I ruffled her hair, lips stretching into a soft smile. Yeah, I meant that.

Y/N and I entered the class and saw Atsumu sitting at my place instead of his. "That's my place" I said with a scowl. "You'll be sitting at my place today and for few days" he relaxed his back on the chair, crossing his arms over his chest. I glanced at y/n who was looking at him with a sad face. She missed him, I can feel it. Y/N took a deep breath before making her way towards Atsumu. "We need to talk" she said with a shaky voice, her hand grabbed his hand. Atsumu harshly pulled his hand off her grip, making everyone at the back of the class shocked, including me. "Don't touch me" he stood up from his seat and shot a death glare at y/n. Atsumu walked out from the classroom, leaving y/n behind. She pursed her lips, trying to hold her tears from falling obviously. Suna got up from his seat and tailed the blonde man.

"Atsumu" Suna called him, making the beefy guy stopped his steps. "Why did you do that? Why did you ignore her?" Suna asked. Atsumu let out a loud sigh, turning to face the fox-eyed guy. "I want to ask you something" Atsumu slipped his hands into his pockets and his breath became heavier as if he was controlling himself from turning into a monster. "What is it?" Suna quirked an eyebrow.

"Is it true... That y/n was the one who kissed you first when you both went to the waterfall or anything?" Atsumu pursed his lips, eyebrows furrowed in disappointment. "Just be honest. You don't have to cover it up for her" he nodded his head. Atsumu was lowkey hoping for Suna to deny it but instead, "Hm" Suna hummed, yes. Atsumu took a deep breath and smiled bitterly. "Listen, she loves you. She chose you and we talked about it. She told me and she admitted that it was a mistake. She mistook me as you. She just missed you, Atsumu" Suna crumpled his forehead, explaining it to him on y/n's behalf.

Atsumu looked up at Suna and shook his head. "Tell me, why do I always feel threatened whenever you're around her? And look, this thing happened. Sometimes, I feel like I'm just a rebound for her, someone she's using to get over you" Atsumu faked a cackle. Suna grabbed Atsumu by his collar, eyes widened in anger. "Yes, she made a mistake. But that doesn't mean you can talk about her like that. She's not that evil to do that to you, Atsumu. She invested all of her heart to you, give her all and did so many things for you. Don't let one stupid mistake blinded you from seeing all the good things she did for you" Suna growled. Atsumu looked at him in the eyes.

"Just take her to the prom" he mumbled, making Suna to furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "I want you to take her to the prom. I want you to be her prom date for tomorrow. And I'll just be there, watching her from distance" Atsumu continued murmuring. "Her eyes are swollen, maybe because she was crying all night. I hate myself for not being there to comfort her last night because I, myself was hurting, I'm still hurting. I need some time to calm myself so I need you to make sure that she won't cry again tonight and to dress up beautifully in the dress I bought for her for tomorrow's prom. I need your help, Suna. I'm sure she'll listen to you. I made her cry and I need your help to prevent her from crying again" Atsumu quickly wiped off his tears, looking down to the floor.

I furrowed my eyebrows, head moving down facing to the floor. I followed them and hid behind the wall to listen to their conversation, and I finally got the answer to my curiosity. The reason why Atsumu and y/n got into a fight. And when he asked Suna to get y/n to the prom tomorrow, judging by the way he sounded, I knew he didn't want him to do that. Instead, he wanted to be her prom date but he was still angry. He was being egoistic and at the same time, he was being caring and protective of his girlfriend.

How can they got into this kind of situation? When will this triangle love coming to an end? A good ending where they three found their own happiness, even if one have to sacrifice someone they love. As a friend, it saddened me as well. I just wanted them to be happy. If y/n really meant for Atsumu, then I wished that Suna could find his own happiness. And if it's the otherwise, I wished Atsumu could start forgetting about y/n and slowly moving on from her. How can I help them? I just wanted the best for them.

I can see it from the corner of my eyes that Atsumu kept glancing at y/n. He can't keep his focus on the class and he was thinking of her. His eyes told me that. Y/N looked motionless; her back leaning against her seat, arms crossing over her chest and she doesn't give any good facial expression, she looked emotionless and tired. Truthfully, this whole situation made me feel awkward and miserable. I'm stuck between them and I can't just stay still and do nothing. I wanted to help, but I don't know how.

Y/N raised her hand, stopping the professor from talking. "Yes?" he asked. "I'd like to excuse myself" she cleared her throat. "I don't feel really well so I'd like to excuse myself earlier" she pursed her lips. I glanced at Atsumu at the back. He looked worried but he couldn't do anything. "Alright. You can go to the infirmary and take a rest instead" she hummed at the respond she received before she gets up from her seat and leave the class. Atsumu couldn't take his eyes off her, following her figure until she leave the class. He let out a sigh.

I turned my head to look at Atsumu who had his face buried in his face; gesturing the frustration and disappointment in him for not doing anything.

Miya Atsumu 10:05am.
- Hey. I'm sorry for troubling you again but I've transferred you some money for you to buy her meds. I feel so worried about her but I can't do anything. I am once again, asking for your help. I owe you a lot, Samu.

I read the message I got from Atsumu, slowly I took a look at him again. He rested his head on the desk, facing the window. I let out a sigh. When will this come to an end?


### author's note!! ###
send me your questions or comments about this fanfic / chapter at my tiktok's q&a box!! and i hope you will enjoy this chapter <333

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