My Kitty (Josh x Mully)

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Mully Pov

"No ma! I'm not!" I say into the phone. "I know! You've said it a thousand times before! I know what you think about me. I'm a disgrace to the family name. I know!"

"I'm just looking out for you," she says.

"Just stop. And don't call me again! You've never helped me and just made me think I'm a monster to society just because I don't like women! Well you're wrong! Now just leave my life for good this time!" I yell and hang up the phone. I sit at the table and try not the cry, when I hear meowing and scratching by my front door. I don't own a cat or dog, so I ignore it for a bit, hoping it goes away. When the noise does not cease, I get up to see what's making all that racket. When I open the door, a small kitten stands there.

"What're you doing here little one?" I crouch down and ask.

"Meow!" The cat says and rubs up against me. It slips into the house.

"No, no, no," I say and try to pick the cat up. It slips through my fingers though and ends up walking around my house. "Ugh, you can't be here. My landlord doesn't like pets. I can't have you in here." The cat turns around and looks at me. It cocks it's head at me and then curls up in a ball. I slide down the wall next to him and stroke it's neck. It starts purring and I smile. I guess if it doesn't have another home I can keep it. I'll have to pick out a name for it. I don't know how to tell what gender it is so I'll have to use a gender-neutral name. I look down at it to find a collar. I flip the collar over gently and see a name. Josh. So it's male. Josh. Hmm that's a weird name for a cat. He probably knows it though. No name for the owner though. I'll put up a picture and see if anyone comes. Josh yawns and rolls over so he's facing me. I've never had a pet before. This'll be fun.


I rub my eyes and look around. I must have fallen asleep on the floor. I look down to see Josh curled up in my lap. I pet him gently, as not to wake him up. I pick him up gently and place him on my couch. I go to my bedroom to check the time. 5:30. I grab my phone and keys to go and pick something up for food. I silently close to door, so I don't wake Josh, and slip out. I drive to a local fast food restaurant to grab some food. I drive back home, rethinking the conversation I had with my mom. She doesn't understand that being gay isn't a choice. And just because I'm not like my dad, and his dad, and his dad's dad means I'm a disgrace to our family. Whenever we talk she never respects me. I finally got fed up with her. I shake my head as I arrive home. I unlock the door and am quickly greeted by Josh.

"Meow!" He yells at me. Then I think about how I'm going to feed him. I'll have to drive to the pet store later. 

"I'm sorry baby, I don't have any food for you," I say, letting the pet name slip out. Josh cocks his head to one side and rubs up against me. "Come on, I have to eat." Josh follows me to the dining room. I set the food out and turn around to get a glass of water. I turn around and Josh is sitting on my chair, sniffing the food. "No, no, no. That's human food you can't have that." I pick Josh up quickly and set him on the ground. He hisses at me and then moves on to lick his paw. He prances away and goes off to groom himself. I shake my head and get to eating. A few minutes later, Josh returns with full furry.

"Meow!" He yells at me again.

"What? What do you need?" I ask him, thinking he would understand me. He jumps up on to the table quickly, grabs the rest of my burger and runs off with it. "You little asshole!" I yell at him. He quickly disappears. I sigh and clean up my mess. When Josh comes back, he's purring and won't stop rubbing against my leg. I shake my head at the little devil and pick him up. I bring him to my bedroom and grab some clothes to change into. I go into the connected bathroom and change. By the time I come back, Josh is snuggled up against my pillows. I get in quietly so I don't wake him. I slowly drift off to sleep.

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