Jiggly Shrimp Part 2 (Juicy x Eddie)

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Juicy Pov

I walk back into my recording room later to start working on editing. Well, getting it ready for my editor. I look at the call and it's still connected. Oh shit. Eddie and I f*cked in the room right next to this one. Oh shit. Shit shit shit. 

"Uh, Eddie?" I call out.

"Yeah dawg?" Eddie asks.

"I didn't sign out of the call completely," I say.

"What do you mean?" Eddie comes into the room.

"If any of the rest of the boys were still in the call, they heard everything," I say.

"Everything?" Eddie asks.

"Yes," I say.

"Well, this will be fun to explain," Eddie says.

"I agree," I say.

"Should we call them?" Eddie asks. 

"I'll text them asking if we can plan a Discord call," I say.

"Are we gonna plan what we say or just wing it," Eddie says.

"Wing it. Cause we don't know if they heard anything or not. But either way we should tell all of them," I say.

"I agree. We shouldn't keep them in the dark forever," Eddie says.

"K, I'll text them now. See you in a bit honey," I say.

"Bye amor," Eddie says and kisses me on the cheek. I log out fully this time, and go to the group text I have with all of them. 

Juicy: Hey, can we jump on Discord, Eddie and I need to talk to you about something

Mully: Is this what I think it is?

Juicy: Shut the f*ck up

Mully: Yeesh

Juicy: If any of you know what this is about, Mully, then please shut up until then

Josh: Want me to virtually smack Mully for you?

Juicy: That would be greatly appreciated. I'll see you guys soon

Narrator: I'll be there

I set my phone down and get up the Discord call.

"Eddie! Get your ass in here!" I say.

"God damn dawg. I'm coming," Eddie grumbles. I really have to hold back on saying something about that because any of the Boys could join in any second and we don't need a second embarrassing thing. Everyone's icons pop up.

"What the f*ck do you want Juicy?" Josh asks.

"Well, you know how we were recording earlier, and I said I was going to log off?" I ask.

"Yeah, and then Eddie and Narrator both logged off. Josh and I stayed on the call though because we had stuff to talk about. You didn't realize that you were still in the call," Mully says.

"Yes. Thanks for the recap," I say.

"Ok what about?" Josh asks.

"What did you guys hear?" I ask. Mully looks off to the side.

"Uh, I think you know," Mully says.

"You too Josh?" I ask. Eddie kinda just being quiet behind me.

"Yeah," he says.

"Can someone please tell me what the f*ck is going on?!" Narrator says.

"Do you wanna explain?" Mully asks.

"Well, uh, Mully and Josh kinda heard Eddie and I uh ... f*cking," I say.

"Are you shitting with me?" Narrator asks. Eddie and I shake our heads.

"The big thing is that-" Mully starts.

"Mully! Shut up," Josh says.

"Ok, Narrator doesn't need to know that. But basically, Eddie and I have been dating for a while now. So that wasn't that weird what you heard. Now can we just kinda forget this happened?" I ask. Everyone nods and I feel Eddie untense next to me. I smile up at him. We say goodbye and log off for real this time.

"Thanks for doing most of the talking," Eddie says.

"I did all of it, but you're welcome," I say.

"I love you," Eddie says.

"Love you too," I say.

                                                                                   THE END!

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!

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