Hablas Español? (Eddie x Narrator)

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Eddie Pov

Being a Mexican American means you get a lot of backlash sometimes. A lot of time you get yelled at for now speaking English. That's happening right now.

"Pronto estaré en casa mamá," I say into my phone while I'm waiting at the bus station.

"Espero que lalo, hasta pronto," my mama says to me.

"Speak English!" Someone calls at me. I hang up the phone before my mom can hear what's going on.

"Maldito idiota," I mutter underneath my breath.

"What did you just say?" The person storms up to me. "You're in American, speak English!"

"He doesn't have to," a deep voice says from behind me. "He might not even speak English. How is he supposed to then?"

"He should learn," the person says.

"What if he doesn't have anyone to teach him?" The guy says.

"Well- well-," the person starts stuttering. "He should..." Then they slowly walk away.

"Gracias," I say. "Hablas español?" The man shakes his head.

"Sorry," he says.

"No, it's fine. I speak English," I say. "My mother can't though. And my English isn't the ... best."

"I could help you with your English," the guy says.

"Thank you, I'm Eduardo, or Eddie as my friends say," I put my hand out for him to shake.

"I'm Grant," he says shaking it.

"Nice to meet you Grant," I say and roll the r.

"You to Eduardo," he also rolls his r back to me.

Present Time

"Eddie," Narrator snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry," I say and shake my head. "What?" Narrator sighs.

"I was asking you if you were free tonight. I have something I want to tell you," Narrator says.

"Yeah, I'm free tonight. What do you need to tell me?" I ask.

"I'll tell you at dinner," Narrator says.

"Ok, I'll see you then," I say.

"Ok, I'll talk to you tonight," Narrator says.

"Yep," I say. We both log off of VR. I feel so bad that I zoned out on that memory. I barely even think about that anymore.  I wonder what he has to tell me.


Narrator Pov

Eddie's meeting me at the restaurant and I have something big to tell him. Ever since we met all those years ago, I wanted to learn Spanish. I started working on it a few years ago, and I've finally mastered it. I want to surprise Eddie with it. I'm waiting to be seated when Eddie arrives.

"Hey dawg," he says. He's wearing a sort of night outfit. I am too.

"Hello honey bunches," I say. "Glad you could make it."

"Me too, so what did you have to tell me?" Eddie asks.

"I'm gonna wait until we're seated," I say. We're quiet for a bit until Eddie speaks up.

"Man it's cold in here. I have chicken skin," Eddie says. I turn to look at him.

"Chicken skin?" I ask.

"Oh, sorry. Goosebumps," Eddie says. "I can never remember that." I shake my head at him and laugh a bit.

"Table for 2?" A waitress asks.

"That's me," I say. She leads us to our table and we thank her. Eddie slips into Spanish.

"Gracias," he says and I mimic him so it's not weird. She nods towards us and says our server will be out soon. "So what do you have to tell me?"

"Well, you know how we met right?" I ask. He nods. "And you asked me if I spoke Spanish?" He nods again. "Well after 4 years of learning, I'm finally fluent in Spanish."

"Really dawg?! Oh my God that's awesome!" Eddie jumps up to hug me.

"I really wanted to do that for you," I say.

"Thank you so much Grant," Eddie says and even though our surroundings for this isn't probably best, he places a kiss on my lips. No one really looks though, which is nice, so I lean into the kiss. When we part he whispers into my ear, "Thanks again Grant." We finish our dinner and then go back to his place. We spend the night with him testing me with my Spanish. It was a good night.

                                                                                    THE END!

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all!

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