Breakups (Josh X Mully)

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(A/U 2nd one Honeybunches! Hope you guys like it! I forgot my original idea for this, so we're doing this instead. Leave requests in the comments below!)

3rd Pov

Josh and Mully have been friends for a really long time. They live together, they make YouTube videos together, and they put each other before anyone else in their lives. Which isn't so good for the fact that they each have girlfriends that don't like to be put second. And that's why Josh is in the middle of an argument with his girlfriend, and Mully the same. Josh had gone to be with his girlfriend and spend the day with her. When he got there, his girlfriend had a fight ready for him.

Josh Pov

"It's always Mully this, Mully that! You don't f*cking care about me!" Kristy yells.

"Babe, you know I love you!" I say.

"Not more than Mully!" She yells. 

"I've known him longer! We're best friends!" I say. 

"Your girlfriend should always come first though! You don't have to spend every waking minute with him!" She says.

"Girls never understand," I mutter.

"What did you say?" She asks.

"Girls never understand! Guys need guy time! If I want to spend all my time with Mully, that's my choice, not yours to make for me," I say.

"You know what? F*ck you. F*ck Mully. F*ck everything between us. Get the f*ck out of my house. We're done. If you like Mully that much, maybe you should go and f*ck him," Kristy shouts.

"Fine. I never loved you anyway," I slam the door behind me. I call an uber to get me home, and when I get home, I storm through the door.

Mully Pov

(This is his fight with his girlfriend btw)

"Why is Josh so much more important than me?!" My girlfriend yells at me.

"Friends before girlfriends," I say.

"You know what Mullen? I gave you everything, and all you did was blow me off for Josh. How would you have liked it if I had done that to you?" She asks.

"I would have respected it because I would still be friends with Josh. And friends don't break up," I say.

"F*ck you. Welcome to single life," she mutters.

"It's nice to be here with you," I say. "You can leave my house now." She lets out a few angry sounds, but finally leaves. I slump down on the couch. I don't even feel bad about breaking up with her. If anything I feel better. I turn on the TV and flip to a random channel. The Office is on, so I keep the channel on. A few minutes later, I hear the door slam and look up to see Josh. "Hey mate."

"Hey," Josh says. He takes off his coat and just drops it on the floor.

"How's your girlfriend?" I ask.

"I don't have one."

"Ah, boyfriend then."


"What happened?"

"She broke up with me."

"Man that sucks. Welcome to single life. Population: Us."

"When did you become single?"

"About 10 minutes ago."

"Damn, I'm sorry."

"She was bitch anyway."

"Yeah, what'd she break up with you for?"

"Spending too much time with you. You?"

"Same. The last thing she said to me was 'If you like Mully that much, maybe you should go and f*ck him'."


"Whatever. Didn't really hurt at all. I don't know why I was dating her anyway," Josh says.

Josh Pov

I do know why I was dating her. To get over the guy I'm sitting right next to right now. You already know we're best friends and there's really no way to get closer. But I've been bi since high school and I've had a crush on Mully ever since I've met him. If you're thinking that he doesn't know I'm bi, you're wrong. We share every little piece of information with each other. This is the only secret I've kept from him. That I have a gigantic crush on him, and any girl I date is to try and get over him. I also know he's bi. It's just another thing we have in common, but I know for sure he doesn't have a crush on me. Because when we became best friends, we made an agreement not to fall for each other. Though I already had, I had to act like I hadn't.

Mully Pov

Oh I broke that contract right after it was made. If you're asking me, it was a stupid agreement. I could tell Josh liked me at the time, and I have no idea why we made it. I'm pretty sure he got over his crush on me. I haven't gotten over mine though. If I just had the balls to tell him. Ok, wait. How long have we been friends? Since we've been like 20? Ok so this is almost a 10 year crush going on. I need to tell him. 

"Hey ... so remember that agreement we made when we were like 21?" I ask, trying to play it cool.

"Uh, yeah. Why?" Josh turns away from the TV.

"Well, I sort of broke it," I say. This is the most f*cked up confession ever! I think to myself. What the f*ck am I doing?!

"I broke it before we even made it," Josh laughs. 

"Really?" I ask like I didn't know.

"Yeah, I don't know why I agreed to that. Worst mistake of my life," Josh says. "When did you break it?"

"While we were making it," I say and Josh laughs. 

"We're so stupid," Josh says.

"I know right? If we ever do anything that stupid again, someone needs to shoot us," I say.

"So. We just confessed to each other. And even though we just broke up with our girlfriends, we don't feel any remorse?" Josh says. I think for a minute.

"I guess," I say. 

"Well, even though I don't feel bad about the breakup, I don't really want to jump into another relationship so quickly. Even though I've had a crush on you for even more than 10 years," Josh says.

"That's fine. I don't care," I say.

"Want to watch a movie?" Josh asks.

"Sure," I say. We spend the rest of the night watching a few movies. A few weeks later, we start dating. (A/U Sorry but I have to.) We live happily ever after.

                                                                               THE END!

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