Chapter 1

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*Picture of Izzy*

"Bye mum!" I yelled before dashing out the door. It was a Saturday night and I had a date with Gus. We had been dating for over a year but I was still always excited when he asked me out. I ran down the street, late, and walked up to the restaurant. I looked through the glass doors, to check if Gus was there, I searched for his blonde hair that was spiked up at the end and swept to the side, his loving blue eyes and partial beard. He wasn't there. Confused, I glanced at my watch. I was two hours early? I sighed, there must have been something wrong with the clock at home. I looked through the door again and my eyes landed on Gus... with another girl who had curly blonde hair and a pink silk dress on, next to him. What was going on? I asked myself. I spied on them silently for about two minutes when suddenly, the lady started to lean in towards Gus. Their lips touched and they started kissing. I could not be right, maybe the lady was forcing Gus to kiss her. However, when I saw Gus' hand on the lady's back, pulling her closer to him, I knew I was wrong. Had Gus really been cheating on me for some other attractive girl? A tear slid down my cheek. How many times had he kissed me like that? How could I have been so dumb?

I ran home, crying. It started raining, my tears mixed with the rain. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I banged on it with my fists and sat down, crying. What I thought was love, it was all fake? The door groaned as mum, Lea, pulled it open.
"Oh sorry Izzy, I just realised the clock was two hours ahead and-" mum started. I barely heard her over my crying. "What's wrong darling?" She asked. I just fell into her arms, getting her all wet but she didn't seem to care she hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.
"What's wrong?" Mum repeated. I looked at her bright green eyes and her wavy, blonde hair, I looked just like her, except a tiny bit taller
"Gus..." I sniffed, "has been cheating on me,"
"Oh Izzy. It's alright, it's alright," she soothed me. "Why don't you go upstairs and take a nice hot shower?" She said softly. I nodded my head slightly and went up the carpet staircase, getting it wet. My sneakers squeaked as I made my way to my room.

I took off my wet clothes and sneakers, and put them in the sink, then took out my hair tie of what used to be a fishtail braid but was now a wet knot. Still crying, I turned the shower on hot and let my body engulf in the hotness. I did not need Gus, I did not need anyone. The thought calmed me but I could still feel a piece of my heart was gone, forever, and could never come back. Even though I was upstairs and in the shower, I heard dad, Liam, come through the door and shout, "I'm home!" I heard another pair of footsteps, probably mum's. It was silent for a while, they were probably kissing. Another pair of footsteps came running, it was probably my seven year old sister, Summer. She took after my dad, she had wavy, brown hair and bright blue eyes. My dad and her were practically the same.
"Daddy!" Summer yelled.
"Summer!" Dad yelled, Summer squealed in delight, he most likely tickled her, as he always did.
"Where's Addison?" Dad asked.
"Addi is out shopping as usual," Summer sighed. Addison was my older sister, she was twenty-one years old and was always shopping, tons of boys asked her out but she said she wanted a 'good' boyfriend, she would always come home from her date telling mum the guy was a jerk. She was a typical girl, blonde, straight hair which was always curled with light brown highlights and blue eyes.
"I'm hungry," Summer complained.
"Oh hi hungry, I'm daddy do you know where Izzy is?" Dad joked.
"Dad!" Summer laughed.
"Go get some food Summer, I'll be right there," mum said. I turned off the shower and put on my nightgown, even though it was only seven and I had not had dinner.
"Isabella's in the shower. Turns out Gus has been cheating on her," mum whispered so quietly I had crane my neck to hear.

My phone rang loudly, it was Gus. Anger rose up in my chest like a boiling pan. I would give Gus a piece of my mind!
"Hey Gus!" I said as cheerfully as I could.
"Hey Izzy, are you coming out to dinner?" Gus asked.
"Oh I totally forgot all about that! On purpose," I said.
"Oh okay- wait on purpose? What do you mean?" Gus asked.
"Oh you know there was a problem with the kitchen clock, it was two hours ahead," I spat.
"Two hours," Gus muttered. "Natalie,"
"Natalie? Oh so is that her name? I SAW YOU KISSING HER!" I screeched.
"I didn't want you to know this way but your not good enough for me anymore, I was going to tell you tonight," Gus said.
"ALL THIS TIME YOU SAID 'I LOVE YOU' WAS A LIE? A BIG FAT LIE?" Anger raged through me. I hung up and screamed in my pillow. I hate boys! The words 'not good enough for me' rang through my head. He was probably off kissing another girl right now. I cried myself to sleep on an empty stomach, feeling hebetude.

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