Chapter 29: Friends

Start from the beginning

Hermione found so many cute outfit and some really good maternity jeans that would be good for the whole of her pregnancy. Jamie just found some tops that she thought looked good. Jamie paid for her items and Hermione's jeans and Hermione paid for the rest of her things. 

After spending so much money the girls decided to get a drink at the hogs head inn. Jamie got herself a butter beer and Hermione just decided to get some tea. Once the girls were finally settled they started to drink there drinks and talk. 

"I can't wait for the little red head to be born." Jamie said to Hermione. 

"Hey who says it's going to be a red head?" Hermione said. 

"Them genes are strong anyone who has a child with the Weasley's are just going to have to  accept that there kids will be carrot tops." Jamie laughed. 

"So your and Fred's kids will be ginger." Hermione said she was always curious if Jamie wanted kids, she didn't want them a couple of years ago but now she's with Fred.

"Yes." Jamie said without thinking. Then her face turned into shock once she noticed what she said and Hermione just smiled at her. 

"You want children with Fred. He must be one lucky guy because before you started dating Fred you were so against having kids." Hermione smiled at Jamie know she was in shock. 

"Shut it. I didn't want kids because- I don't know why but I mean Fred pretty hot and not to be self centred but i'm pretty hot meaning we would have some good look red headed children. " Jamie smiled and accepted that Fred made her change her mind and she wouldn't mind having a child with Fred maybe it was because for once in her life she was completely and utterly in love. "But I wouldn't want a kid now. I'm to young. No offence mione." 

"None taken I mean i'm to young, well Ron definitely is but I still think we will be good parents." 

"I do to. You will make a smashing mum. I have told you this so many times." Jamie said and hugged Hermione. 

Once the girls had finished chatting and had said hello to Aberforth Dumbledore the girls apparated back to the burrow. Where they were once again greeted by Molly the girls went to the soon to be nursery and put away the things that needed to be. Jamie put the pictures on the wall and Hermione tidied a bit. After everything was done Jamie and Hermione chilled in Hermione's room just talking about random things and playing games of wizard chess. Obviously Hermione was winning Jamie had no clue what she was doing. All Jamie knew about wizard chess is that Ron is really good at it. 

Eventually it was dinner time and Molly called the pair downstairs as they were sitting at the table Ron and Harry came home and they sat down to eat. 

"How was training?" Hermione asked the boys.Ron and Harry answered her question making them three have a conversation about it so Jamie let it and decided to talk to Arthur and Molly. 

"How are you guys?" Jamie asked her practically parents. 

"I'm so good Jamie. I found out how to use a muggle telephone properly this week. It is so fun to makes calls." Arthur boasted with pride of his face. 

"That is so fun Arthur telephones are amazing things." Jamie said back to him. 

"Well sweetie I have been knitting for most of the day. It is weird having a practically empty house, but soon we will have a new member to keep me busy." Molly said mentioning the baby. 

"Yup. But with me and the boys not here you don't have any trouble to worry about." Jamie said to Molly and Arthur they agreed by nodding there head. Jamie knew her and the twins cause so much stress and trouble in the family. 

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now