Chapter 31: Get Scott Out Of There!

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This chapter has a lot of swearing and sexual themes, jokes and Harassment. I tried to make this chapter funny. But seriously don't sexually harass people.

"Where are we going?" William asked while you put a blind fold on his face.

You, Scott and Mike were driving William to Hooters.

"It's a surprise!" You said.

"Did you find my glasses yet?" Scott asked while he was squinting at the road trying to drive.

"I'm trying to find them." Mike said as he looked for them.

"Am I getting assassinated?" William asked.

"Of course not!!!" You said.

"That's exactly what a assassin would say." William said.

Scott hit a big bump in the road.

"Are you wearing a blind fold too Scotty?" William asked.

"Nope! But without my glasses I might as well be! What is that, a woodpecker?" 

The car swerved and everyone started screaming. Mike flew into the backseat and squished William.


The car turned and you slammed into William and Mike making the window break. The car spinned around and Mike started to get tossed out the window.

"AHHHHHH!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!" Mike screamed.

You grabbed onto his waist and pulled him back in the car. The car started driving forward again but it was heading right for the side of a building. You quickly leaned foreword and grabbed the steering wheel and turned the car. You guys were now perfectly parallel parked in the hooters parking lot.

"Sorry guys!" Scott said.

Mike got up from the car floor.

"Hey, I found your glasses." Mike said while holding a pair of glasses in his hand.

"Wait, where's William!?" you said.

You looked back in the trunk that opened up to the rest of the car and William was laying on his stomach in the trunk while his legs were hanging over his head.

"Please help." William said.

Everyone got out of the car and Scott got his glasses back on. Mike staggered out of the car and threw up. Everyone fixed themselves up and you took the blindfold off of William.

"BOOBS!!" William shouted.

You all walked into the restaurant to see Jeremy, Fritz and Henry sitting at a long table.

"What's he doing here!?" Henry yelled once he saw William. 

William glared at Henry.

"That's enough you two!" Scott said, "Now, we all brought you both here because you and William need to get along!!"

Everyone sat down.

"What can I get for you boys?" The waitress asked William and Henry.

"Can I have your finest chicken breast?" Henry asked with a smirk.

"Any white sauce?" The waitress asked.

"No thank you. I'm not into eating any white sauce." Henry snickered.

William and Henry silently giggled at each other but soon went back to glaring.

"And you?" The waitress asked William.

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