|( Day III "But I'm a Monster")|

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a/n: update yay! it's a little bit shorter than usual cause I need sleep, I've been having a really bad sleep schedule trying to make the chapters longer and better, I'll try to get some more sleep tonight tho! also thanks again for 400 readers! It means a lot!

art by: 3H on Twitter
edited: yessss




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"Yeah, it sucks, at least you're here to keep me company!" Ranboo says happily.

 "Y-yeah...", Summer says trailing off at the end, remembering her conversation with the Director not too long ago.

"Hey is something wrong?" Ranboo asks, pulling the girl away from him, placing his hands on her shoulders looking at her in the eyes, trying to get an answer from her expression.

"N-no! Well actually, there's no point in lying is there?" Summer says, her expression slowly turning into a broken smile, while tears start to prick up in her eyes. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ranboo asks timidly, unsure what to do, his eyes turn into shock, feeling Summer push herself into him, wrapping her arms around him again, letting all her emotions out, he feels his heart start to break. What happened to you Summer?

"Hey, do you want to talk?" Ranboo asks, squeezing the girl closer.

 "S-sure," Summer says pulling away from the boy, they walk over to his bed sitting down next to each other, she leans her head on his shoulder, taking a deep breath in and out.

 "Okay, I'm ready to talk," She says moving her head, looking up to the boy smiling, which he returns in nodding his head.

"Okay, so the Director, well he isn't too fond of us hanging out, he's expressed that a couple of times before, each time t-threatening me..." Summer says leaning her head back onto Ranboo's shoulder.

 "He keeps on bringing up Willy, and what happened to him, and that I'll regret getting close to you," Summer says with a shaky breath.

"W-what happened to Willy?" Ranboo asks, confused and concerned, fear flashes across Summers face, "Uhm I don't like talking about it," Summer says looking away, tensing up.

"D-do you want to stop hanging out?" Ranboo asks, concern and fear lacing his face, "WHAT NO, I love hanging out with you its the best but I'm just scared y'know, scared if something will happen," Summer says turning to wrap her arms around him.

 "R-right sorry, and I'll make sure to protect you no matter what!" Ranboo says, hugging the girl.

 "Really?" Summer asks unsure, "Of course, I love you-" Ranboo says, cutting himself off, realization crossing his face, blushing beet red because of what he said.

 "L-love?" She asks a blush on her face, she hears Ranboo take a deep breath, "Y-yeah, I l-love you, Summer," Ranboo says turning away, a blush evident on his face.

 "I-I love you too Ranboo," Summer says.

Ranboo looks over to the girl shock on his face, "Y-you love me? B-but I'm a monster no one should love m-", Ranboo says, cut off by a pair of soft lips being placed on his.

 His face flushes, heart beating faster and faster, eyes going wide.

He places his hands on her sides of her face, kissing back, smiling into the kiss.

They soon break apart, making eye contact, smiling at each other but soon breaking eye contact by a giggle that escapes Summer's mouth.

"W-what is it? Did I do something wrong?" Ranboo asks unsure of himself.

 "No, it's not that, it's just you're really adorable," Summer says giggling out.

 "O-oh really?" Ranboo asks Summer, blushing, "Yeah you really are!" She says nodding her face, smiling, "O-okay!" Ranboo responds smiling back.

"Hate to break up the teenage romance but we kinda need you, Summer," Ranboo and Summer hear a voice say, they both turn around seeing a grinning Alex.

 Oh god.

"I uhm, I gotta go, see ya Ranboo!" Summer says hurriedly, running to get to Alex. 

Summer goes through the decontamination room, walking over to Alex with a blush on her face, which Alex notices and laughs at. 

"Just shut up and go", Summer mumbles embarrassed, "Pfft okay okay!" Alex laughed out, putting her hands up defensively. Summer looks down at her feet, walking out with Alex.

They walk out of the containment room, Summer quiet and Alex fighting back a laugh. "Soooo you want to explain Summerrr?" Alex asks in a teasing voice.

 "Oh c'mon, you cant make fun of me, you haven't even told Tristain about your feelings for him!" Summer yells out, tired of Alex's teasing.

 "Oh but dear Summer, that's where you're wrong, I did!" Alex says, a smug smirk on her face.

"WHAT", Summer yells out shock on her face, "Gesh are you really that surprised, ouch", Alex says holding her hand above her heart.

"Yeah yeah whatever, but you seriously told him!" Summer says excited for her friend, linking arms with her.

 "Yes I did, he also likes me back, which is now why I'm his girlfriend!" Alex says excitedly, "Awesome!" Summer says happy for her friend, "Oh yeah, so I'm assuming you told Ranboo eh?" Alex says in a teasing voice again.

 "Oh shut up," Summer says rolling her eyes.

"Huh tell Ranboo what?" They hear a voice ask, Summer and Alex turn around seeing Willy.

Well crap.

Well crap

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a/n: I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! have a great day/night where ever you are! love ya!
words: 925

The Scp; His Game {Ranboo x Oc}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant